The Great Depression & The New Deal

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The Great Depression & The New Deal por Mind Map: The Great Depression & The New Deal

1. Analysis: Students will apply what they learned by creating a chart, Venn diagram, list, flow chart, etc to display what they have learned about the cause and effect of The Great Depression and New Deal

2. Design: Students will create a pros and con list of The New Deal and compare with their fellow classmates

3. Evaluation: The teacher will allow the students to pick their own way to prove that they grasp the main concepts of The Great Depression & The New Deal. Students could make a PowerPoint, Nearpod, poster, game, story book, etc.

4. Implementation: Students will be asked a broad question and given 15 miniutes to prepare an answer in any form they prefer; verbally, written, media, etc.

5. Development: Students will work in small groups to create a brief summary of The Great Depression & The New Deal using the tools they prefer