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1. Online Tutorials

1.1. Educreations - Create video tutorials and visually stimulating lessons.

1.2. Khan Academy - Video tutorials for Math skills.

1.3. TeacherTube - Like YouTube, but with teacher stuff.

2. Formative Assessment

2.1. Quizizz - Online trivia in which students compete against each other.

2.2. Jeopardy - Blank template to create a classroom Jeopardy game. No registration required.

2.3. Quizlet - Online study sets with ability to create your own or search existing sets.

2.4. Kahoot! - Makes it easy to create, share and play fun learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes.

2.5. Flippity - This site includes several templates for customizable online review games for students.

3. Student Collaboration

3.1. Padlet - Virtual bulletin board visible in real time on multiple devices.

3.2. Now Comment - Versatile discussion platform for teaching, peer reviewing, and fostering active reading,

3.3. Pen Pal Schools - A thoughtful, ready-to-go platform that facilitates authentic, cross-cultural collaboration.

3.4. YO Teach! - A great fit for a variety of carefully monitored classroom discussions

3.5. Backchannel Chat - Teacher-moderated version of Twitter. An extension of the in-the-moment conversation might be to capture the chat, create a tag cloud, and see what surfaces


4.1. NASA Kids' Club - a place to play games and learn about NASA!

4.2. Code.Org - the leading curriculum for K-12 computer science

4.3. Tynker - Easy-to-learn, visual programming course designed for young learners in 4th through 8th grades.

4.4. Tech Rocket - Focuses on building mobile apps and games, from iOS development to Minecraft mods.

4.5. eGFI (Engineering, Go For It!) We are committed to promoting and enhancing efforts to improve K-12 STEM and engineering education.

4.6. Canva - Free online design program to produce fliers, banners, posters, etc.

4.7. Kinetic City - Amazing collection of science experiments,games, and projects for kids to enjoy.

4.8. Engineer Girl - Encourages young middle-school girls to pursue STEM careers.

4.9. CSI Web Adventures - Solve crimes using forensics at beginner, intermediary and advanced levels.

4.10. Discovery Education - Engaging interactive content and services that measure and improve student achievement.

4.11. Animoto - Gives students the ability to make a short, 30-second share video of what they learned in a given lesson.

4.12. Art Rage - ArtRage is a creative tool that turns your screen in to a canvas and lets you get on with creating your masterpiece. (costs $4.99)

5. Math

5.1. Khan Academy - Video tutorials for Math skills.

5.2. Stock Market Game - Students participate in a virtual investing game against students from

6. Independent Practice

6.1. Shepperd Software - Fun, free online games spanning multiple content areas.

6.2. Choosito! - digital library of 200,000+ sites, on which you can track students as they search the web with enhanced reading level and subject area filters.

7. Reading

7.1. Readworks - Leveled online reading passages with assignable question sets, vocabulary support, audio support,

7.2. Newsela - News stories on current events, written by AP writers, with each article available at multiple grade levels. Assignable questions sets, vocabulary activities

7.3. ReadWriteThink - platform that provides a wide variety of materials covering different literacy areas including reading, writing, listening and speaking

7.4. ReadTheory - Adaptive online reading resource that tracks students progress as they read and answer questions.

8. Social Studies / History

8.1. Shepperd Software - Fun, free online games spanning multiple content areas.

8.2. EdTech Teacher - A one-stop site with links to the best of history websites. Lesson plans and sites are searchable by topic.