Impact of online communications

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Impact of online communications por Mind Map: Impact of online communications

1. Social networks

2. Blogging

3. Microblogging

4. Photos

5. Chat rooms

5.1. MSN

6. E-safety

7. YouTube

7.1. Virals

7.2. Digital Death - What happens on-line when you die?

7.3. The miniature earth

7.4. Did you know

7.4.1. Did you know

7.4.2. Did you know 2.0

7.4.3. Did you know 3.0

7.4.4. Did you know 4.0

8. Choosing a username

9. Skype

10. New Words

11. Internet Addiction

11.1. Infographics

11.1.1. Are we addicted to the internet?

12. History of Communication

12.1. Lesson ideas

12.1.1. @chrisleach78 Semaphore and Morse Code

13. Email

13.1. Insights from 5m emails

14. Languages

14.1. Articles

14.1.1. BBC Digital Tools to save languages

15. Images

15.1. Social Media Explained by @megandouglas26