User Map Who touches eShowroom & what are their needs

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User Map Who touches eShowroom & what are their needs por Mind Map: User Map Who touches eShowroom & what are their needs

1. RTM's

1.1. reference

1.2. guides

1.2.1. instructor

1.2.2. classroom

2. VPTS's

2.1. same as RTM's

3. Product Planning

3.1. New node

3.1.1. new/onboarding

4. TFS - Phone Reps

4.1. same as TMSCR

5. TMS Customer Relations

5.1. reference site

5.1.1. maybe

5.2. elearninng as a reference

5.2.1. new/onboarding

6. TEMA - manufactoring

6.1. No access, but could benefit

6.2. potential use- acces to material just in time

7. UoT Tech Training

7.1. product info

7.2. images/video

7.2.1. create training materials

7.2.2. diagrams/graphics

8. Sales Associates

8.1. Product Information

8.2. eLearning Courses (cert)

8.3. Online Catalog for courses

8.4. Cert rqrmnts - sprt site

8.5. PDF reference materials

8.6. Certification Testing

9. UoT Group

9.1. reference

9.2. check finished product

9.3. New node

10. Marketing

10.1. product info

10.1.1. reference communicate info to the field

10.2. review mechanism

11. Suppliers/Business Partners

11.1. reference

11.2. verificatioin