by Gabriel Peloquin
1. What is poetry?
1.1. Definition
1.2. Poetry work
1.2.1. Music - Lyrics
1.2.2. Traditional poems Rhymes Verses Syllable
2. Why poetry?
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Sharing ideas
2.3. Vocabulary
3. Poetry emotions
3.1. Positive emotion
3.2. Negative emotions
4. Figures of style
4.1. Similes
4.2. Metaphors
4.3. Alliteration
5. Types of poetry
5.1. Limericks
5.2. Haiku
5.3. Shape poems
5.4. Many more...
5.5. Creating poetry with an image
6. Poetry themes
6.1. Animal in Me
6.2. Life Experiences
6.3. Sports
6.4. Feelings/emotions
6.5. Family and friends
6.6. Weather
6.7. History
6.8. Time
6.9. War
6.10. Description of objects
6.11. Music
6.12. Nature
7. Activity Ideas
7.1. Routines
7.1.1. - Read a different poem at the beginning of every course (different styles) - Figure out the meaning behind the poem and the vocabulary
7.2. Poem completion
7.2.1. Have a poem that already has some words in it to help out the student (Fill in)