CALL MA Course outline

CALL MA Course outline

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CALL MA Course outline par Mind Map: CALL MA Course outline

1. Course overview and Module I

1.1. Oct. Wednesday 22, 18:00

1.2. Oct. Monday 27, 16:00

1.2.1. 1. The emergence of CALL 2. A brief history of CALL 3. Hypertext, hypermedia and multimedia

1.3. Nov. Tuesday 11, 18:00

1.3.1. Seminar 1

2. Final presentation: February 9, 18:00

2.1. Area of reflection

2.2. General CALL field

2.3. Normalization

2.4. Contributions to language teaching and research

3. Areas of reflection

3.1. Software: traditional CALL

3.1.1. Generic software in CALL Sample research article Mapping successful language learning approaches in the adaptation of generic software (CALL, 2006):

3.1.2. Developing software for CALL A software development approach for computer assisted language learning. CALL 2005

3.2. Data-Driven Learning. language corpora in CALL

3.2.1. Annotation solutions for Data Driven Learning (ReCall 2009) + SACODEYL website

3.2.2. INTEGRATING CORPUS CONSULTATION IN LANGUAGE STUDIES, Language learning and technology 2005

3.3. Web 2.0 and CALL

3.3.1. WEB 2.0: New Perspectives for Digital Media in Language Learning? EUROCALL 2007 Plenary

3.3.2. Conole, Grainne. Listening to the Learner Voice: The Ever Changing Landscape of Technology Use for Language Students. ReCALL. v20 n2 p124-140 May 2008.

3.4. CALL in consoles: NDS and other developments

3.4.1. Methodology for evaluating a novel education technology: a case study of handheld video games in Chile. Computers & Education, Volume 46, Issue 2, February 2006, pp. 174-191.

3.4.2. Examining the pedagogical foundations of modern educational computer games Computers & Education, Volume 51, Issue 4, December 2008, pp. 1729-1743

4. Modules II and V

4.1. Module II: CALL Appplications

4.1.1. Nov. Wednesday 12, 18:00 8 CALL Applications

4.2. module V: CALL models

4.2.1. Nov. Wednesday 12, 18:00 8 CALL Applications

4.3. Nov. Tuesday 25, 18:00

4.3.1. Seminar 2

5. Module III: SLA and FLT

5.1. Nov. Wednesday 26, 16:00 s

5.1.1. Second-language Acquisition and models of instruction/ Theoretical and pedagogical concern Second-language Acquisition and models of instruction/ Theoretical and pedagogical concern

5.2. Dec. Monday 15, 18:00

5.2.1. Second-language Acquisition and models of instruction/ Theoretical and pedagogical concern

6. Module IV: Collaboration

6.1. Dec. Tuesday 16, 18:00

6.1.1. Computer-mediated communication in English for specific purposes: A case study with computer science students at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. CALL 2006 + Learning electronic literacy skills in an online language learning community. CALL 2005 ()

6.1.2. What is out there?

6.2. January 19, 16:00

6.2.1. Seminar 4

7. Module V: CALL Models

7.1. January 20, 16:00