1. Conferences
1.1. Tehran
1.1.1. Sphere of influence for USSR
1.1.2. Reparations Discussed.
1.1.3. USSR against but UK/USA for
1.1.4. 1943
1.1.5. Big Three
1.2. Yalta
1.2.1. Feb. 1945
1.2.2. Stalin agreed to help defeat Japan
1.2.3. UN established
1.2.4. Height of cooperation
1.2.5. Communist Poland with some capatilist influences
1.2.6. Disagreement of democracy
1.3. Potsdam
1.3.1. Truman not Roosevelt
1.3.2. Atom bomb revealed
1.3.3. July 1945
1.3.4. Germany divided USA France UK USSR
2. Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan
2.1. Aid sent to repair a poor Europe
2.2. Poor countries found communism attractive
2.3. Marshall Plan
2.3.1. World must choose Democracy Capatilism
2.3.2. US responsible for world freedom
2.4. USSR were not impressed.
3. Rising Tensions
3.1. Iron Curtain speech
3.1.1. Made by Churchill
3.1.2. In USA
3.1.3. Taps into the fear of Americans
3.2. Stalin and Poland
3.2.1. Can he be trusted?
3.3. Greek Civil War
3.3.1. Communists and Capitalists fight
3.3.2. Violence is demonstrated between them
3.3.3. UK cannot afford to aid capatilists
4. Soviet Actions
4.1. The Long Telegram
4.1.1. USSR builds military power
4.1.2. Stalin calls for destruction of capatilism
4.2. Poland
4.2.1. Stalin breaks promise with Poland
4.2.2. No capitalism allowed despite agreement
4.3. Stalin tightens his control
4.3.1. Cominform
4.3.2. Elections won in several countries
4.3.3. Yugoslavia
4.3.4. Romania
4.3.5. Bulgaria
4.3.6. Czecheslovakia
4.3.7. Elections held unfairly