ICT Technology in the classroom

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ICT Technology in the classroom by Mind Map: ICT Technology in the classroom

1. students choose their topic and inquire into this chosen topic of interest

1.1. allows students to pursue their interests

1.2. links to a humanistic approach to education

2. multipilistic

3. TPACK model

3.1. Content Knowledge

3.1.1. focus is on teachers knowledge of the subject that they are teaching

3.2. Technological knowledge

3.2.1. having an understand of what technologies are available to you, having an understand of your own capabilities with these technologies and deciphering which technologies would be most appropriate in terms of the lesson aims and outcomes that you have intended.

3.3. technological pedagogical knowledge

3.3.1. knowing how the digital tools available to you can enhance or transform the content, how it’s delivered to students, and how your students can interact with it.

3.4. Pedagogical knowledge

3.4.1. Having an understanding of your own pedagogical approach that works best for your class.

3.5. pedagogical technological knowledge

3.5.1. understanding how to use your digital tools as a vehicle to the learning outcomes and experiences you want.

3.6. pedagogical content knowledge

3.6.1. understanding the best practices for teaching specific content to your specific students

3.7. technological pedagogical content knowledge

3.7.1. A theory that was developed to explain the set of knowledge that teachers need to teach their students a subject, teach effectively, and use technology

3.8. representation of theoretical concepts and content through use of technology

3.8.1. using technology to provide students with the content knowledge, but to also reinforce and challenge this knowledge through getting them to use technology to respond to high order thinking scenarios

3.9. using technology to enhance learning experience

3.9.1. creates an engaging and exciting learning experience that is appealing to all academic levels

3.9.2. really appealing when teaching mainstream subjects where there is a broad variety of academic levels because it allows all students to work on the same unit of work but at different levels

4. student directed learning

4.1. promotes critical thinking

4.2. promotes metacognition

5. Teacher directed learning

5.1. students are told what to do by the teacher

6. Utilising technology that is appropriate for students academic level.

6.1. audience is essential

7. choice of technology

7.1. influenced by teacher pedagogy

7.2. year level

7.3. teacher beliefs

7.4. academic level of students

7.5. content being taught

8. use of technology to make content more engaging

8.1. learning becomes exciting and fun

9. Effective learning

9.1. cognitive scaffolding tools

9.2. use of technology to encourage creative thinking

9.3. students use cognitive thinking devices such as online mind mapping to add to their bank of knowledge as they progress through units of work

9.3.1. good way for students, teachers and parents to see how student is tracking in relation to their development of knowledge across the course

9.4. Effective assessment tasks are those where it is not possible to 'copy paste' information

9.5. focus is on applying learning through technology tools rather than using technology to research

10. online classrooms

10.1. all documents can be uploaded here, saves paper

10.1.1. learning place students can access course content at any time allows students to stay up to date if they are absent from class can be accessed at home, therefore parents can also see what their child is being taught in class

10.1.2. one note

10.1.3. google docs

10.1.4. google classrooms

11. negatives

11.1. students may become easily distracted

11.2. added financial pressure on parents to ensure that their child has an electronic device available to them

11.3. detracts from students practicing handwriting skills

11.4. students responsible for using technology appropriately

12. Self Regulated Learning

12.1. rise of technology = way of the future

13. tools

13.1. interactive whiteboard

13.2. electronic mindmap devices

13.3. mindcraft

13.4. google sketch-up

13.5. 3D printers

13.6. google forms

13.7. 'imaginarium'

13.7.1. create a virtual

14. types of learning

14.1. behaviourist cognitivist

14.1.1. knowledge exists beyond the child and could be transmitted and received

14.1.2. use of programs that have a right or wrong answer, focus on tutorial programs such as mathletics

14.1.3. pedagogical approach is centred upon direct instruction

14.1.4. teacher in charge of technology

14.2. constructivist constructionist

14.2.1. student constructs their reality from their own perceptions in which they construct from their own knowledge

14.2.2. software focuses on developing students creativity and metacognition. use of programs that mediates learning, including spreadsheets, educreation/ show me app content free software is software that requires students to put content in there teacher orientates technology to student

14.2.3. pedagogy focused on projects, stimulating students mind to ask and solve 'big questions', a focus on investigating

15. role of technology in the classroom

15.1. enrich/ augment

15.2. supplement

15.3. transform / leverage

15.4. reinforce

16. Epistemic beliefs

16.1. dualistic

16.2. relativistic

16.3. relativism

17. Uses of ICT

17.1. communicate

17.1.1. allows students to share their own ideas with other students, and discover other ideas and opinions that challenge their own - encouraging them to critically think about a specific topic

17.2. create

17.2.1. encourages higher order thinking, getting students to utilise the knowledge that they have learnt and apply it to their creation

17.3. computate

17.4. curate

17.5. collaborate

17.5.1. online collaborate spaces i.e one note collaborate sections allow all students to share their knowledge and ideas is a good way of ensuring that typically shy students have the ability to share their knowledge and information with their classmates and with the teacher

17.5.2. encourages metacognitive thoguht processes through synthesising knowledge and ideas encourages dialectical thinking amongst students

18. assistive technology

18.1. supports the educational environment being one that promotes inclusion

18.2. can help students with both physical and intellectual disabilities

18.2.1. assistive technologies for handwriting specialised keyboard instead of handwriting

18.2.2. computer simulations

18.2.3. interactive systems

18.2.4. transformation hardware

18.2.5. communication devices

18.2.6. switch systems

18.2.7. VI hardware brail devices screen magnification and enhancement

18.3. areas of assistive technologies

18.3.1. access

18.3.2. support

18.3.3. curriculum

18.3.4. framework

19. teacher centred learning

19.1. direct instructions

19.2. filling students mind with content

19.3. focus on students remembering content that has been taught to them through the telling of information

20. student centred learning

20.1. pedagogical approach is increasing

20.2. links to humanistic view of education

20.3. collaboration

20.4. creation

20.5. stimulate child imagination

20.6. communication

20.7. exploration

20.8. investigation

21. pedagogy

21.1. is really important in the choice of ICT tools

21.2. way teacher believes student will learn best influence choice of ICT tool

21.3. teachers utilise technology based on their beliefs about the nature of education and learning

22. software

22.1. content specific

22.1.1. underpinned by behaviourist / cognitivist pedagogical approach to education

22.1.2. games that present information to the child

22.1.3. tools that reinforce exisiting understanding and knowledge

22.1.4. correct answers are rewarded

22.1.5. incorrect answers are remediated

22.1.6. this type of software does not teach the child

22.1.7. can perpetuate misconceptions that children may have

22.1.8. reading eggs

22.1.9. mathletics

22.2. content free

22.2.1. Blank environments that require students to insert their knowledge

22.2.2. encourages creative thinking and child's imagination

22.2.3. encourages metacognitive thought processes

23. technology is a way of the future