1. Causes of diffrent climates
1.1. When the sun shines it hits the equator and is the closest to the sun. The southern hemisphere is a lot warmer then the northern hemispere.
1.2. Country's closer to the equator is where the most intense sunlight hits. That is why heated air rises and has rainfalls. For example douala has 4027mm of precipitation a year.
1.3. Only around the equator heavy rain falls happen.As air moves towards north southern areas the air will slowly cool and have rare rain falls. Places like the tropic of cancer or the tropic of Capricorn is very rare to have rain falls so those are desert climates.
1.4. Diffrent kinds of climates
1.4.1. Maritime climates are when places have warm summers and cool winters. These places are usually near water and have plenty of precipitation. An example would be Vancouver , Canada.
1.4.2. Continental climate are places with hot summers and cold winters. This kind of climate is drier then maritime climate and less precipitation. An example would be Toronto, Canada.
1.4.3. Mountain climates are cooler because the high altitude you are the less oxegen molecules are up their.
1.5. European explorers use ocean currents to speed their journeys to other places. Ocean currents may affect places that it goes to.
1.5.1. Ocean currents flowing outwards from the equator blows warm water goes to the cost lines of different continents.
1.5.2. Ocean currents that flow from the polar oceans blow cold water to the equator.
2. Global Climates
2.1. Gases are molecules that absorbs the heat of the suns energy.
2.1.1. New node
2.2. tempature rising
2.2.1. It will make the Arctic rise 8degree making the polar ice and glaciers.The sea level will rise and the habitats and willd life in the natural vegetation for the polar bears will rapidly change.
2.3. Tropical storms
2.3.1. Topical storms are caused when warm air rises from the ocean cooler air blows down and spins.
2.4. Saffir-simpson scale is used to measure the wind speed, severity and height of a storm surge.
2.5. The Enhanced Fujita Scale is use check the rate, wind speed, type of damage frequency and percent of tornadoes.
3. Specialized Agriculture
3.1. Orange groves: climate and market
3.1.1. Brazil and Florida is the best places to get oranges.Orange trees are easily dead because of the cool temputures. Only 80% of the world has oranges grown year round. Many Florida oranges are squeezed into juice.
3.2. Nurseries: Location and raw materials
3.2.1. In nursierys there are mostly plants,trees and flowers found. These plants are near urbun area. For a good place to plant them you should have good textures and well drained soil for a vairiety of plants.and ornamental grasses from seed and hot moist conditions.nursieries and raw material, seedling, Fertilizer, peat moss, mulch are all used to help plants grow in gree houses.
3.3. Coffee: Location and Labour
3.3.1. Coffee plants are found in tropical areas such as south america, Africa, and south Asia.The soil should have lots of sunlight but not heat and in drained soil. These plantson hill side 1000-2500 meters above sea level where it is cooler. Coffee plants are picked using labour before going to the machines.
3.4. Fair trade products
3.4.1. Farmers are not paid that much. coffee , Farmers that grow tea, coco and fruits only get 10 cents.Importars are paid twice as much as a farmer though. The products farmers make is made into a brand and sold. People are paying 10 extra cents for a cup of fair trade coffee.
4. agriculture
4.1. soil
4.2. farming: There are many types of farming such as intensive, extensive, subsistence,mixed, plantation, rice and grain farming.
4.2.1. In many parts of south Asia intesive farming they grow things like rice, vegtables and poultry,
4.2.2. In North America there is mostly extensive farming like wheat, corn and beef cattle.
4.2.3. Subsistence agriculture is when you have only enough food for themselves. Nomadic Herders are when goats , cattles or camels are some of the most important things they need. Nomadic herders are usually in Africa, central Asia and middle east. Shifting cultivators grow root plants such as yams, sweet potatoes and cassava. These farmers go to the tropical rain forest in places like south America, Africa and south Asia. They use fire and sharp machetes to destroy little land in the jungle to farm. But they can only grow things for a few years. Small land holders in Mexico, south America, Africa and south Asia have farms that they can keep and makes corn, rice, vegetables and other grains. They also have some animals.
4.3. Commercial agriculture
4.3.1. Location and climate Location and climate is a very important thing when it comes to farming. The best place for commercial farming would be, moist places all year round and the tempeture to be good for crops and live stocks. Different climates on place can help the soil fertility and natural vegetation of the environment.
4.3.2. raw materials Farmers that work for raw materials can not rely on chickens. Instead they buy a lot of small chicks, they get feed and grow under warm light and produce eggs. Many farmers such as small cows, pigs and chicken or fed up and sold as meat.
4.3.3. Labour and Machinery In North America farmers have small to medium sized land which means they have a lot of crops. They need a lot of people to help pick crops and machinery to help move crops.
4.3.4. Transportation crops and like wheat needs to be shipped to markets or different country's to be sold. Food crops can be shipped using tractors, plows, combine harvester and other machinery to collect the crops and use self dumping rail way grain dumping cars, roads, trucks and ships are all needed to transport food crops.
4.3.5. Market forces When diffrent seasons come and that food might be popular, then the price will raise. But when the marketing board see's that people are not buying the food they are selling at that price then they will lower it. For example: In the summer strawberry's are grown the most so it is cheapest then. But in the winter only some places can grow strawberry's so the prices are higher.
5. Landforms & rivers
5.1. Volcanoes
5.1.1. Volcanoes are when the pressure builds up inside so the magma goes up the pipe then when there is a lot of pressure it explodes.When the volcano explodes there will be ash and gas clouds everywhere.
5.1.2. volcanoes are found near the edge of pacific ocean. This is also known as the pacific ring of fire because volcanoes surround the pacific ocean.
5.2. Tsunami
5.2.1. Tsunami's are caused when there is a earthquake and shakes. It also makes a tremor that goes in a circle outwards.
5.2.2. Storm surge happens when the the sea suddenly rises because of high winds
5.3. Earthquake
5.3.1. Earthquakes happen when the Earth's crust shakes, the plates get ripped apart, hauled together or dragged on each plate. When that happens the epic centre releases with a lot of power and makes an earthquake.
5.3.2. These Earthquakes can are scaled using the "Richter Scale", it uses a 10 point scale to measure a earthquake.
5.4. Sheild region
5.4.1. Shield regions were built around Pangea before but now the world has separated so this could be found in different continents. This region is made up of igneous and metamorphic rocks
5.5. Plains and lowlands
5.5.1. Plains and lowland are made up of layers of horizontal sedimentary rocks.Plains have big open areas like the "Great Plains" in central america. Lowlands are near the shoreline.
5.6. Fold mountains
5.6.1. Fold mountains are built by thick layers of sedimentary rock. Plates inside the Earth slowly move and drag plates against each other which begin to fold. Fold mountains can snap causing Earthquakes. In some places if the fold mountains are extreme metamorphic rocks can be found.
5.7. River systems
5.7.1. Rivers systems are made up of rivers that connect to each other.
5.8. Drainage
5.8.1. Drainage patterns are patterns that remain after the water was gone. The most frequent pattern looks like a tree and has slopes.
5.8.2. Drainage basins can be polluted easily. Many people drink out of the lake but there are also many chemicals and other things collected.
5.9. Tornadoes/hurricanes
5.9.1. Tornadoes/hurricane are caused when warm air rises then cool air come down the the the warms in spins and makes a vortex.