UNICEF Online Vision

Emerging online vision for UNICEF Canada

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UNICEF Online Vision por Mind Map: UNICEF Online Vision

1. Advocacy

1.1. What's the vision?

1.2. What actions?

1.3. List building

1.4. List ownership

1.5. Int'l / other nat/comm content

2. Education

2.1. Short term upgrades project

2.2. New delivery mechanisms

2.3. Online Community or Practice

2.4. e-delivery of content

2.5. Youth engagement

3. Volunteer Engagement

3.1. Online volunteers?

3.2. Improve application process

3.3. Connect to other goals

3.4. e-Learning support

4. Comms / PR

4.1. Storytelling / blogging

4.2. Knowledge sharing

5. Brand

5.1. Integrated story and experience

5.2. Updated attributes and Story

5.3. Engagement and Your Role

6. Fundraising

6.1. List Building Campaigns

6.2. Major donors support

6.3. 3rd party sites

6.4. 3rd party events

6.5. UNICEF events

6.5.1. Trick or Treat

6.5.2. TAP Project

6.5.3. Other events (gala's, etc)

6.6. Regions and their role

6.7. Emergency Response

6.8. Email Newsletters

7. Sales + Marketing

7.1. eComm Platform

7.2. Improve online experience

7.3. List integration

7.4. CRM

7.5. Connect to engagement

8. Structure / Culture

8.1. New ownership

8.2. List / date sharing

8.3. What is digital?

8.4. Collaboration / knowledge sharing

8.5. Usability and design training

8.6. Finish what you start / do less better

8.7. Metrics and KPI's

8.8. IT and platform innovation