Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. There may be evidence of a test reliability and validity when it is used to assess achievement for one group of students.

2. Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

2.1. Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity Evidence can correlate new test with an accepted criterion.

2.2. Concurrent validity coefficients are generally higher than predictive validity coefficients.

3. Content Validity Evidence

3.1. Content Validity Evidence can test that items match and measure objectives.

4. Validity is usefulness. A test’s validity can be high for a certain purpose.

5. It is important to consider a test’s validity and reliability evidence within the context of a test’s intended use and the intended population.

6. Predictive Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

6.1. Predictive Criterion-Related Validity Evidence can correlate scores from the new test with a measure of some future performance.