CIO and IT Concerns with Enterprise 2.0

things relevant to have in mind while marketing to corporate czars

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CIO and IT Concerns with Enterprise 2.0 por Mind Map: CIO and IT Concerns with Enterprise 2.0

1. Scalability

2. Provider Record

2.1. Small StartUps

2.1.1. Solutions Flexible team Modern, state-of-the-art technology Role Model Installs like: number of users

3. Loss of productivity

4. Integration

4.1. Login (SSO)

4.2. Desktop Apps

4.2.1. Office

4.2.2. Outlook

4.2.3. Groupwise

4.2.4. Lotus

4.2.5. MS Project

4.3. Online Apps

4.3.1. Sharepoint

4.3.2. Atlassian

4.3.3. Salesforce

4.3.4. Socialtext

4.3.5. ...

4.4. Adapters

4.4.1. CRM

4.4.2. ERP

5. Inflexibilty of SaaS in general

6. Loss of Control

6.1. IP Loss / Security

6.1.1. Solutions Encryption Secure Connections (SSL)

6.2. Cloud (vs. Inhouse)

7. Consulting / Implementation