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1. Intellectual Factor

1.1. Intellectual ability

1.1.1. Students has their own style of learning, also every student is different, it could be one student is the best in English, but he does not like Math.

1.2. Prior knowledge

1.2.1. Students need to apply what they have learned to acquired the experience. They must develop critical thinking.

2. Relationship with teachers, parents, and peers

2.1. Teachers

2.1.1. Teachers who foster positive relationships with their students create classroom environments more conducive to learning and meet students' developmental, emotional and academic needs.

2.2. Parents

2.2.1. Children who have a secure and positive relationship with their parents learn essential skills and values that set them on the path for future success

2.3. Peers

2.3.1. Positive student relationships are fundamental to success. When students feel supported, they're more likely to engage in learning and have better academic outcomes.

3. Emotional Factor

3.1. Stress

3.1.1. A little bit of stress can be good as the body releases adrenaline to address it. However, students who are in chronically stressful environment tend to have lower levels of aptitude.

3.2. Sleep

3.2.1. Students should get the proper amount of sleep at night to help stay focused, improve concentration, and improve academic performance.

4. Environmental Factor

4.1. Natural Surroundings

4.1.1. Involves the climatic and atmospheric conditions such as cold, whether raining, and so on.

4.2. Social Surroundings

4.2.1. All the aspect related to the enviroment of the students around them. Ventilation, noyse, classroom with lake of light and others are part of this factor.

5. Physical Factor

5.1. Health

5.1.1. If the student is health, S/he has the condition to do his/her best.

5.2. Physical development

5.2.1. There are no physical conditions that affect student performance.

5.3. Nutrition

5.3.1. It is important for students to eat properly to help them be strong and active.

5.4. Visual and auditory defects

5.4.1. The student has no problems using visual and auditory material in the classroom and outside.

6. Media Influence

6.1. Print Media

6.1.1. It refers to all the printed materials such as book, magazines, workseets and so on. This type of media helps to students to interact with their classmates and it has some benefits.

6.2. Non-Print Media

6.2.1. It includes the electronic material, this is common currently for the reason that students and teachers have access to devises such as computers and cellphones. Online worsheets, games and blogs are example of that.

7. Learn more about Factors Affecting Learning

7.1. Click here!

7.1.1. By Iris Alejandra Padilla Cañenguez