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Sharing ideas by Mind Map: Sharing ideas

1. Collaboration

1.1. Share large files

1.1.1. Apps Bay Files Boxify Uploading it

1.2. Web Conferencing

1.2.1. Agreedo

1.3. Tools

1.4. Kagan Structures

1.5. Wallwisher

1.6. Peerwise

1.7. Temporary webpages

1.7.1. Disposable webpage

2. Blogging

2.1. Apps

3. Screen Captures

3.1. Screenr

4. Ebooks

4.1. 30 Goals Challenge for teachers

5. Wikis

5.1. Comparison Tools

5.2. Articles

5.2.1. 8 ways to use school wikis

5.2.2. Learning with blogs and wikis

5.3. Websites

5.3.1. Wikis in education

6. Google +

6.1. List of resources to find out about Google+

7. Evernote

7.1. Video

7.1.1. Using evernote (undertenminutes)

8. Document Sharing Online

8.1. Article

8.1.1. Head to Head: Document sharing sites

8.1.2. Comparison of online magazine publishers