Software Classification

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Software Classification por Mind Map: Software Classification

1. Application software

1.1. General purpose

1.1.1. Wordprocessing

1.1.2. Database

1.1.3. DTP

1.1.4. Spreadsheet

1.2. Special Purpose

1.2.1. Accountancy package

1.3. Bespoke

1.3.1. Acountancy package specifically for XYZ Co

1.3.2. Factory process control system

2. System software

2.1. Operating system

2.1.1. Manages resources such as memory and hardware. Shedules which applications run

2.2. Utility and library

2.2.1. Compression tools

2.2.2. Backup programs

2.3. Programming tools

2.3.1. Compiler

2.3.2. Assembler

2.3.3. Interpreter