Product Launch - Strategic Project #1 (Template)

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Product Launch - Strategic Project #1 (Template) por Mind Map: Product Launch - Strategic Project #1 (Template)


1.1. Goal #1

1.2. Goal #2

2. Social Media

2.1. Pre-Launch

2.1.1. Countdown

2.1.2. Join the beta!

2.2. Launch

2.2.1. Ad campaign #1

2.2.2. Ad campaign #2

2.2.3. Launch announcement with discount codes

2.3. Post-Launch

2.3.1. Share customer success story from blog

2.3.2. Share tutorial posts from blog

3. Company Blog

3.1. Launch blog post

3.2. Series of tutorial posts

3.3. Customer success story

4. In-App Notification

4.1. Tip in Work Area

4.2. Banner in Dashboard

5. Email Marketing

5.1. Launch Newsletter

5.2. Drip Emails

5.2.1. Day 5 Introducing the new tool

5.2.2. Day 12 Promo for the Bundle offer

5.2.3. Day 30 Use Cases Business Use Cases Education

6. Partners

6.1. Reach out to Brand Ambassadors

6.1.1. Introduce to new product

6.1.2. Ask for reviews and cross-promos on social media

6.2. Reach out to Reseller Partners

6.2.1. Introduce to new product

6.2.2. Offer opportunity to become a Reseller for the new product

6.2.3. Create one-pager for Reseller Partners

7. Website

7.1. Create Bundle Page

7.2. Create Landing Page for new Product

7.3. Add a section about the new product on the homepage