04 Getting Off To a Good Start

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04 Getting Off To a Good Start by Mind Map: 04 Getting Off To a Good Start

1. Where are they now?

1.1. Life cycle

1.1.1. Start up

1.1.2. Established

1.1.3. Declining

1.2. Profitability

1.2.1. Lower than comparable businesses

1.2.2. About the same as comparable businesses

1.2.3. Higher than comparable businesses

2. Where do they want to be in...

2.1. 90 days

2.2. One year

2.3. Five years

3. How do they plan to get there?

3.1. Plans

3.2. Resources available

3.3. People inside organization required

3.4. People outside organization required

3.5. Known obstacles

4. How will they know when they have arrived?

4.1. Profitability

4.2. Revenues

4.3. # of employees

4.4. Number of locations

4.5. Online membership

4.6. Funding acquired