1. Lanforms
1.1. Plains and Lowlands
1.1.1. Erosions of the ancient shields created the Plains and Lowlands. Plains and Lowlands are made up of sedimentary rocks sediments that solidfied into rocks.Plains and lowlands are underlaid by horizontal layers of sedimentary rocks. Plains and lowlands are common in Alberta, Saskatchwan, North America and central America. Plains and lowlands are located near shores.
1.2. Ancient Shield
1.2.1. Pangea was built near shield regions. Ancient shield regions were created by volcanoe activities. Shield regions were created billions of years ago. Ancield shields are made up of igneous rocks which are solidfied magma and metamorphic, changed rocks.
1.3. Drainage patterns
1.3.1. Dendritic Dendritic Drainage is the most common type of drainage pattern. Dendritic drainages are like tree patterns
1.3.2. Trellis Trellis drainage is not as popular as dendritic drainage.WHen rivers flow trough alternating bands of soft and solid rocks, a rectangular-like pattern appears. This often happens when a enormous river cuts trough fold mountain ridges.
1.4. Rivers
1.4.1. Rivers are part of large natural systems that recirculate the earth's water. Canadian rivers are made up of water from melted snow during spring time. Rainfall provides water to rivers during the rest of the year.Rivers carve out 2 different patterns as they carry moisture to lands. Dendritic and trellis drainage patterns are the results of different landforms.
2. Agriculture
2.1. Extensive farming
2.1.1. Extensive farming is a type of agriculture where little labour is used. Extensive farming uses many large macgines for work. Extensive farming is to work on large farms. Extensive farming is the complete opposite of intensive farming. Extensive farming is commonly located near desert regions. SOme located near West Australia. The advantage of using large machine is that it makes it faster on large areas of farms. The disadvantage of extensive farming is it takes up a lot of land using land that animals need.
2.2. Intensive farming
2.2.1. Intensive farming is a type of agriculture which a large amount of labour is used. The labour is used to get food from small areas of land. Intensive farming uses plenty of technology. Intensive farming also uses a lot of animals for work. Intensive farming has disadvantages such as the destructions of some natural animals. The advantage of intensive farming is that the food cost less becuase the food is easy to produce.
2.3. Small Landholders
2.3.1. Most people in Mexico, South AMerica, Africa, and South Asia are Small Landholders. Thoses people also have small, permanent farms. They plant corn, rice, vegetable and other grain products. Families of Small Landholdersparticipate in hard work farming.Small landholders are usually low on money. The Small Landholders depend on wheather conditions.
2.4. Shifting cultivators
2.4.1. Some people in tropical rainforests regions of South Africa, Africa, and South Asia are shifting cultivators. Shifting cultivators are bad for the environment. THey burn forest and use machetes to slash small jungles. This method they use is called the slash-and-burn method. Shifting cultivators is one of the first agricultures to be practiced by humans. Most forest or jungles shifting cultivators live in are burned. Most forest near the shifting cultivator's territory are burn near the beginning of the 20th century.
2.5. Subsistence
2.5.1. Sussist means to survive. Subsistence farmers work full time as a family to feed themselves. They use mostly animal power and their own labour. Most people who live in large populated areas often practice subsistence agriculture. Subsistence agriculture usually produce enough food for the family only.
2.6. Nomadic Herders
2.6.1. Herds of goats, camels, or cattles are important to Nomadic Herders. Nomadic herders are located near Africa, central Asia, and the middle east.Camels and goats provide Africans and and the middle east milk, meat, hides, and hairfor clothing and shelter. Nomadic herders find grass for their animals to eat.
3. Landforms
3.1. Plains and lowlands
3.1.1. Erosions of the ancient shields created the Plains and Lowlands. Plains and Lowlands are made up of sedimentary rocks sediments that solidfied into rocks.Plains and lowlands are underlaid by horizontal layers of sedimentary rocks. Plains and lowlands are common in Alberta, Saskatchwan, North America and central America. Plains and lowlands are located near shores.
3.2. New node
4. Natural Disasters
4.1. Volcanoes
4.1.1. There are 2 different types of volcanoes. There is composite sone which is made up of cinders and magma.Then there is a shield sone which is a volcanoe entirely made up of magma. Valcanoes are much brighter than fireworks. Volcanoes erupt when magma breaks through the crust of the volcanoe.
4.2. Tornadoes
4.2.1. Some people get mixed between tropical storms and tornadoes.Both tornadoes and tropical storms are extremely dangerous. Tornadoes usually occur during spring and summer. Tornadoes are above land. Tornadoes are formed when hot air and cool are collide. Warm air rises and cold air spirals downward, a tornadoe is formed. Most tornadoes happen in "Tornadoe Alley"
4.3. Earthquakes
4.3.1. The earth is always trembling. The earth shakes every 3 minutes because of an earthquake. Most earthquakes are not deadly. Earthquakes are extensive to the loss of life when they happen in extremely populated regions with no earthquake-proof strucutres. Earthquakes are caused when the plates underneath the earth crash each other causing the earth to shake. Earthquakes have extreme damaging effects
4.4. Tsunamis
4.4.1. A tsunami is a spcial type of wave which some people referred to as tidal waves which is not correct. A tsunami is different from tidal waves and storm surges because a tsunami is not caused by moons gravity or wind. A tsunami is caused when an earthquake occurs beneath sealevel. When an earthquake happens beneath the seas it shakes the oceans above it and causes the waves to rise.
5. Climates
5.1. Maritime
5.1.1. The general location are near large bodies of water. There are lots of rain in the maritime climate. The winters are cool and the summons are warm.
5.2. Continental
5.2.1. Continental climates are found all around the world. They are far away from bodies of water. Their winters are cold and their summers are hot.
5.3. Temerate climate
5.3.1. Located near Australia, between the equater and the south pole. Sunrays hit earths curved survace at a slight angle. They have moderate temperature. Temperature is warmer in January than in July. Seasons are reversed compared to ours in canada. While we are in winter, Australia experiences summer.
5.4. Tropical Climate
5.4.1. Tropical climates are located near the equater.The sun hits the earth surface directly. The temperature is hot all year. Tropical climates have hot and wet climates.
5.5. Mountain Climate
5.5.1. Tropical climates are located near the equater.The sun hits the earth surface directly. The temperature is hot all year. Tropical climates have hot and wet climates.
5.6. The cause of climates
5.6.1. The mountains, ocean currents and bodies of water affects climate. Climates near mountains are cold and dry. The altitude varies in the mountains. Climates near bodies of water are cool. They have warm summons and cool winters. They have a lot of precipitation when wind blows. Cold ocean currents flow back twards to the equator.
5.7. Polar climate
5.7.1. Polar climares are generally located near Siberia. The sunrays hit the surface but it reflects the sunlight back. The winters are extremely cold. The summers are cool.
5.8. Desert climate
5.8.1. The desert climate are usually located in Egypt, Outh Africa, Cairo, and port nollah. Rains a lot near the equater. Air moves north and south. Air cools and becomes wind and the wind is dry. Not a lot of rain in the desert climate. The climate is very hot and dry.