Myers-Briggs 16 Personality Types

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Myers-Briggs 16 Personality Types により Mind Map: Myers-Briggs 16 Personality Types

1. people centered

2. Sensing

2.1. Love facts and small details

2.2. rational

2.3. focus on whats real

2.4. in the present moment

2.5. enjoy a realistic approach

2.6. like repetition/structure

2.7. observe and remember specifics

2.8. Detail focused

3. Intuiting

3.1. look for big picture

3.2. possibilities ahead of time

3.3. interested in innovation

3.4. focus on patterns/meaning

3.5. like abstract concepts /imagination

3.6. look at wider picture

4. Feeling

4.1. empathise

4.2. heart centered

4.3. Social values

4.4. subjective in analysis

5. Thinking

5.1. Rely on facts

5.2. rules matter

5.3. use logic and reasoning

5.4. Objective

6. Extroverts

6.1. learn best by doing

6.2. have a wide range of interests

6.3. get energy from others

6.4. consume and direct energy outwards

6.5. Act BEFORE thinking

6.6. Talk things through

6.7. Tend to talk alot, which is their way of thinking out loud.

7. Introverts

7.1. Generally Quiet

7.2. consume energy internally

7.3. take time in reflection

7.4. small range of interests but with Depth

7.5. think BEFORE acting

7.6. Gain energy from concentrating

7.7. When they speak, its generally final statement.

7.7.1. Often be a long pause after being asked a question

8. Judging

8.1. organised

8.2. like control

8.3. systematic/methodical

8.4. long term plans

9. Percieving

9.1. big picture

9.2. casual

9.3. adaptive

9.4. spontaenous

9.5. fluid