Jobs in the Video Game Industry (GROUP 4)

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Jobs in the Video Game Industry (GROUP 4) por Mind Map: Jobs in the Video Game Industry  (GROUP 4)

1. Mahardhika Ramadhana

1.1. Video Game Testers

1.1.1. Technical support specialists are the link between video game companies and the public. They staff call centers where they help customers who have problems operating games and related equipment. Support specialists answer questions via phone, online chat, and email. Testing Knowledge & Skills To be a game tester, there are no major requirements. Of course, an interest in playing video games for hours on end with an ability to spot errors that occur in thegame is the minimum of qualifications. Writing and communication skills, computer experience, and a college education may be required for some of the more competitive jobs.

2. Fidi Baross

2.1. Market Research Analysts

2.1.1. Market research analysts design surveys that they will use to determine prospective customers' buying preferences. They use the data they gather to help video game publishers decide what products and services to sell, how much to charge for them, and where and how to sell them.

3. Rafly

3.1. Writers

3.1.1. Writers fill multiple roles within the video game industry. Scriptwriters create the stories upon which games are based and write dialogue for the characters. Technical writers create the accompanying documentation and instructions

4. Fikri Tamari

4.1. programers (fikritamari)

4.1.1. A programming team is usually involved in creating a computer program through the planning and coding of the software. Within the programming team, there may be individuals included with the following titles; graphics engine programming, artificial intelligence programmers, and tool programmers.Programmers with 3-D skills and artificial intelligence expertise are in the highest demand in the industry. Programmer Knowledge & Skills One of the prerequisites to become a programmer is excellent math and computer skills. Courses in trigonometry, linear algebra, and analytical geometry are all extremely helpful when thinking of becoming a programmer in the video gaming industry. Game programmers must possess skill and experience using C and C++ languages which are the ones most often used in the industry.

5. Ahmad Syauqi Abdillah (19021007)

5.1. Game Artist

5.1.1. Job Descriptions game artist is a job of making a character that will later be used on the game to be made. in this division, expertise in editing is needed, and there are many applications used in this division, because to produce a good character needs a suitable application. if you want to enter this division at least you must understand the basic fundamentals of making characters and appearance of these characters.

5.1.2. skills needed understand how to use some of these applications: maya,zbrush,substance suites,Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator,3DMax,Blender3D. understand the basics of drawing shapes. can make a character with the right proportions. strong last long in front of the computer. have creativity and innovation.

5.1.3. tasks and things to do make a plan for the characters that will be created in the game. make the shape and appearance of the characters that will be created in the game. modify the characters that have been made to look better. work to deadlines to help the team to produce the game efficiently and in line with the required schedule. work collaboratively with other game artist, as well as members of the wider team. receive and apply feedback from the art lead.

6. Muhaam Syaiful Haq (19021041)

6.1. Marketing Managers

6.1.1. Marketing managers coordinate video game publishers' marketing activities. They formulate a strategy for selling their products to consumers, including deciding where they will sell them and how they will promote them What Soft Skills Do You Need? Communication Creativity Decision-Making Analytical Skills Leadership Roles and Responsibilities "Maintain client databases" "Develop, orchestrate and execute comprehensive global marketing plans for assigned products" "Oversee the company’s marketing budget" "Lead market research" "Write and edit all creative copy for segmented e-mail marketing, seasonal catalogs, postcards, print ads, display signage" "Develop and drive marketing programs reflective of brand strategy"

7. Sultan Alam Fatahillah

7.1. Game Designers

7.1.1. In the initial stages of developing a game, the design team creates a document that lays out each and every aspect of the game. The design team is the group that is responsible for writing the game concept, developing the action of the characters, and establishing the elements in which to play the game. Designer Knowledge & Skills To be a designer you must possess excellent communication skills, have a strong ability to write, and be able to communicate ideas clearly. Sound designers must be musically creative and have some familiarity with all kinds of different music.

7.1.2. Sultan Alam Fatahillah (19021059)