Digital Citizenship JG TG
by 8C_GJinny 29561
1.1. Research effectively -JG
1.2. Read appropriate material only. -JG
1.3. Don't trust random websites always make sure that they can be trusted. - TG
1.4. Don't read inappropriate stories. - TG
2.1. Treat others with courtesy and respect online as if it was in real life -JG
2.2. Be polite and sensible online. -JG
2.3. Never threat or black mail others. -TG
2.4. Don't tell personal stories about other people without their permission .- TG
3. LAW
3.1. Do not try hacking into other people's private spaces. -JG
3.2. Do not download stuff illegally. -JG
3.3. Never cyber bully others or force people into doing things they don't want to do. -JG
3.4. Don't publish anything that involves nudity , pornography etc. - TG
3.5. Do not commit plagurism. - TG
4.1. Facebook and social networking sites-using passwords and settings. -TG
4.2. Never tick the "remember me" option on the computer. -JG
4.3. Never click on advertisments that say "You're the 1000th person to be on the website , click here to get a free iphone !" -TG
4.4. Protect your computer with anti-virus softwares. -JG
5.1. Don't post things that could hurt other people's feelings. -JG
5.2. Always site the sites that you have used and give credit to the author. -JG
5.3. Never give out other peoples information without their permission. -TG
5.4. Never post racist jokes on social networking sites. - TG
6.1. Don't waste your time on the computer. -JG
6.2. Don't use overly complicated passwords, always remember them.-TG
6.3. To become productive citizens, we need to be committed to equal digital access. -JG
6.3.1. All people should have fair access to technology no matter who they are.-TG