Antenna Modeling

The first attempt at a collaborative map of Antenna Modeling. We're covering basics here like terminology, programs, and so forth

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Antenna Modeling por Mind Map: Antenna Modeling

1. Front end software

1.1. EZNEC

1.1.1. Commercial

1.1.2. Demo Available

1.1.3. Windows

1.1.4. NEC2 Engine

1.2. MMANA

1.2.1. Free Version Available

1.2.2. Windows

1.2.3. MiniNEC based

1.3. GAL-ANA

1.3.1. Commercial Version of MMANA

1.3.2. Uses MiniNEC & NEC2 engines

1.4. 4NEC2

1.4.1. Free

1.4.2. Windows

1.5. NEC4WIN

1.5.1. Free

1.5.2. Windows

1.6. Antenna Model

1.6.1. Commercial

1.6.2. Windows

1.6.3. MiniNEC Engine

1.7. NECWin

1.7.1. Commercial

1.7.2. Windows

1.7.3. NEC2 Engine

1.8. CocoaNEC

1.8.1. Macintosh

1.8.2. Free

1.9. NEC

1.9.1. Source Code Compile it yourself

1.9.2. Binaries available

1.9.3. No Graphical Interface

1.9.4. Old Fashioned 80-col card input

1.9.5. Line Printer Output

1.9.6. NEC2 Free

1.9.7. NEC4 Licensed Export Restrictions

2. Coordinates

2.1. Cartesian

2.1.1. X-Y-Z coordinates

2.1.2. Measured linearly from the origin

2.2. Polar

2.3. Dimensions

2.3.1. 2D

2.3.2. 3D

3. Transmission Lines

3.1. Modeled

3.2. Mathematical

3.3. Stubs

3.3.1. 1/2 wave

3.3.2. 1/4 wave

4. Geometry

4.1. Elements

4.2. Wires

4.3. Segments

5. Engines

5.1. NEC

5.1.1. NEC2 free available for download source binary

5.1.2. NEC4 Licensed Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Can handle special cases

5.1.3. Limitations

5.1.4. Known Problems

5.1.5. Originally written in FORTRAN

5.2. MiniNEC

5.2.1. Method of Moments Computation

5.2.2. Limitations

5.2.3. Known problems resonant freqs may be slightly in area converges more slowly when wires meet at an angle weaker ground model coverges more slowly when wires of signifcantly different length are parallel

5.2.4. Originally written in BASIC

5.3. Method of Moments

6. Sources

6.1. Voltage

6.2. Current

6.3. Split