Dawn's IEA Diploma

My IEA diploma brainstorm organizer

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Dawn's IEA Diploma por Mind Map: Dawn's IEA Diploma

1. Facilities

1.1. Dreamweaver

1.2. i-Movie

1.3. Photoshop/iPhoto/Photoscape

2. End User

2.1. I have to interview at least 3 times

2.2. Communication

2.2.1. Skype

2.2.2. Email

2.2.3. Letters

2.3. End User Information

2.3.1. A Pastor at Twin Cities Chinese Christian Church (T4C)

3. Planning and Researching

3.1. Produce a Gantt Chart

3.2. Find tutorials making a website

4. Specification

4.1. What to put on website

4.1.1. Information Page

4.1.2. Staff Page

4.1.3. Picture Page

4.1.4. Map of the location

4.1.5. Upcoming Events

4.2. I will design and publish the website using dreamweaver.

5. Analysis

5.1. The website is user friendly

5.2. The website is informative

6. Design

6.1. Attractive

6.2. Positive

6.3. Colourful

6.4. Simple

7. Implementation

7.1. Create the Website

7.2. Upload Pictures, videos, ect

7.3. Create different pages for different areas of the website

8. Testing

8.1. Have some teenagers and adults have a trial run of the website

8.1.1. Make changes after they give feedback

9. Evaluation

9.1. My new skills from using dreamweaver, i-movie, photoshop, etc.

9.2. Survey response

9.3. Achievements

9.4. Improvements