Pantanjali's 8 Limbs of Yoga

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Pantanjali's 8 Limbs of Yoga by Mind Map: Pantanjali's 8 Limbs of Yoga

1. Brahmacharya

1.1. chastity

2. focus

3. concentration

4. bliss

5. non-possessiveness

6. Yama

6.1. Asteya

6.1.1. non-stealing

6.2. Ahimsa

6.2.1. nonviolence

6.3. Satya

6.3.1. truthfulness

6.4. Aparigraha

7. Pranayama

7.1. breath control

7.2. synchronization

8. Dharana

9. Dhyana

9.1. meditation

10. Samadi

10.1. union

10.2. absorption

11. Sauca

11.1. purity

12. Niyama

12.1. Santosa

12.1.1. contentment

12.2. Tapas

12.2.1. self-discipline

12.3. Svadhyaya

12.3.1. self-reflection

12.4. Isvarapranidhana

12.4.1. true-self

13. Pratyahara

13.1. control of the senses

14. Asana

14.1. Postures

14.1.1. Downward-facing dog

14.1.2. Child's Pose

14.2. Breath

14.3. Movement