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Indie Embed by Mind Map: Indie Embed

1. APIs

1.1. oEmbed

1.2. Google Map

1.3. Custom Gallery

1.3.1. Flickr Pull

2. Embed

2.1. Player

2.2. Download

2.3. Image

2.4. Summary

2.5. Length

2.6. Producer

2.7. Date

2.8. Broadcast Link

2.9. Site Link

3. Share

3.1. URL

3.2. CMS

4. Indie

4.1. Share

4.2. Catalog

4.3. Enhance

4.4. Think Like the Web

5. Search by

5.1. Producer

5.2. Place

5.3. Tag

5.4. Category

6. Map

6.1. Location

6.1.1. Route

6.2. Google Map

6.2.1. Google Earth

6.3. Custom Map

6.4. Collective Map