Comparing Pyramids All Over The World.

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Comparing Pyramids All Over The World. por Mind Map: Comparing Pyramids All Over The World.

1. Egypt

1.1. Pyramid of Djoser

1.2. Pyramid of Khufu

2. India

2.1. Brihadisvara Temple

2.2. Airavatesvara Temple

3. Rome

3.1. Pyramid of Cestius

4. California

4.1. Transamerica Pyramid

5. Dubai

5.1. The Great Pyramid of Dubai

6. Australia

6.1. Gympie Pyramid

7. Japan

7.1. ancient stone pyramid

8. Bosina

8.1. Pyramid of the sun

9. Java, Indonesia

9.1. Candi Sukuh

10. Korea

10.1. Andong Pyramid

11. Western Samoa

11.1. Star Pyramid

12. France

12.1. Louvre Pyramid

13. Greece

13.1. Pyramid of Hellinikon

14. China

14.1. The Burma Tibetian Pyramid

15. Spain

15.1. Pyramids of Guimar

16. Peru

16.1. Huallamarca Pyramid

17. Mexico

17.1. Pyramids of Mesoamerica

18. Bolivia

18.1. Pyramid Matrix

19. Italy

19.1. The Pyramid of Cestius

20. Germany

20.1. Russian Twin Pyramids

20.2. Cairn of Barnenez

21. Ecuador

21.1. the Marae of Mahaiatea

21.2. Cochasqui

22. Belize

22.1. Altun-Ha Pyramid