Map of Life

The Map of Life

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Map of Life by Mind Map: Map of Life

1. Business / Career

1.1. Current Situation

1.1.1. -

1.1.2. -

1.2. What/How to improve

1.2.1. -

1.2.2. -

2. Finances

2.1. Current Situation

2.1.1. -

2.1.2. -

2.2. What/How to improve

2.2.1. -

2.2.2. -

3. Health

3.1. Current Situation

3.1.1. -

3.1.2. -

3.2. What/How to improve

3.2.1. -

3.2.2. -

4. Family and Friends

4.1. Current Situation

4.1.1. -

4.1.2. -

4.2. What/How to improve

4.2.1. -

4.2.2. -

5. Romance

5.1. Current Situation

5.1.1. -

5.1.2. -

5.2. What/How to improve

5.2.1. -

5.2.2. -

6. Personal Growth

6.1. Current Situation

6.1.1. -

6.1.2. -

6.2. What/How to improve

6.2.1. -

6.2.2. -

7. Fun and Recreation

7.1. Current Situation

7.1.1. -

7.1.2. -

7.2. What/How to improve

7.2.1. -

7.2.2. -

8. Physical Environment

8.1. Current Situation

8.1.1. -

8.1.2. -

8.2. What/How to improve

8.2.1. -

8.2.2. -