The Perception of Honour and Honour Based Violence within the South Asian community within the UK

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The Perception of Honour and Honour Based Violence within the South Asian community within the UK by Mind Map: The Perception of Honour and Honour Based Violence within the South Asian community within the UK

1. Generations: A unit of people living in the same time and this can influence perceptions of honour as time goes by things are changing and evolving, so when another generation comes about, there are differences of opinion which is known as generation gap... 'older generation seen as old fashioned'

2. Violence: specifically consider the type of violence here

3. British South Asian Communities: Some of the places in the UK that have a big SA community are; London, Birmingham, Bolton, Manchester, Bradford, Blackburn, Leicester & Rochdale

4. Justification for violence: 'breaking the law' 'not dressed up in modest clothes' 'seen with other male individual outside of family' 'going against what the family and community have set up' by doing some of the following on the lists, this means one is going against the value and bringing 'shame' to themselves and most importantly to the family/community

5. Dishonour: Define what is means by this and what does this mean within the SA community? 'shame' 'disrespect' 'disgrace' 'humiliation'

6. Perspectives: The different viewpoints which may lead to this type of violence. Factors such as religion, culture and age plays a role in terms of perspective

7. Honour: 'modest' 'respectful' 'obedient' these characteristics needed from a girl to avoid embarrassment

8. South Asian Communities: This consists of those individuals who are either Pakistani, Bangladeshi & Indian

9. Age Difference: Again this links with generation, those of older age may have strong, rigid and firm perspectives in contrast to the youngsters

10. Gender Differences: Main perpetrators are the male family members and the victims of honour based violence usually are female (however there have been cases of male victims), also the mothers of the victim are most often perps as they must follow their husband's order and etc which also comes under the aspect of honour and respect

11. Crimes of Honour: There are range of crimes which come under this which includes the following, being abusive on a daily basis physically, emotionally, sexual abuse, coercive behavior such as force marriage, female genital mutilation and in most extreme cases murder

12. Victims: Females mainly as mentioned before as they are seen as bringing 'shame'

13. Family Crime: Honour based violence usually perpetrated by family members e.g. father, brother, uncle or grandparent (usually male members of family or in extreme cases someone outside the family)