My Personal Learning Network

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My Personal Learning Network by Mind Map: My Personal Learning Network

1. Research resource

1.1. Google

1.2. Yahoo

1.3. Wikipedia

1.4. Books

2. File sharing

2.1. e-mail

2.2. Dropbox

3. Blogging

3.1. Tumblr

4. Formal education

4.1. School

4.2. Professors

5. Family and friends

6. Learn how to

6.1. Youtube

6.2. Classpiano

6.3. TV programs

7. Communication

7.1. Yahoo Messenger

7.2. e-mail

7.3. Face-to-face

8. Social Networks

8.1. Facebook

8.2. Tumblr

9. Current Events

9.1. Yahoo news

9.2. Local channel News

10. Past time

10.1. Music

10.1.1. Youtube

10.1.2. Albums

10.2. Art

10.2.1. Photoshop

10.2.2. Traditional Art