Computer In Everyday Life

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Computer In Everyday Life por Mind Map: Computer In Everyday Life

1. A World of Computers

1.1. Computer are everywhere

2. What is a Computer

2.1. A Computer ia an electronic device,operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory

3. The Component of Comuter

3.1. A Comouter contains many electric,electronic,and mechanical component known as hardware

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of using Coputers

4.1. Advantages

4.1.1. Speed

4.1.2. Reliability

4.1.3. Consistency

4.1.4. Storage

4.1.5. Communication

4.2. Deadvantages

4.2.1. Health Risks

4.2.2. Violation of Privacy

4.2.3. Public safety

4.2.4. Impact on Labor Force

4.2.5. Impact on Environment

5. Networks and the Internet

6. Computer Software

6.1. System Software

6.1.1. Operating System

6.1.2. Utlilty program

6.2. Appication Software

7. Categories of Computers

8. Personal Computers

8.1. A personal Computer can perform al of its input,processing,output,and storsge activities by it self

9. Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices

9.1. Notebook Computer

9.2. Tablet PC

9.3. Smart Phone

9.4. PDA

9.5. Handheld Computer

9.6. Prtable media player

9.7. Digital camera

10. Game consoles

10.1. A game console is a mobile coputing device designed for single-player or muliplayer video games

11. Servers

11.1. A server control access to the hardware,software,and other resources on a network

12. Mainframes

13. Supercomputers

13.1. A supercomputer is the fastest,most powerful computer

14. Elements of an Information System

14.1. Hardware

14.2. Softaware

14.3. Data

14.4. People

14.5. Procedures

15. Computer Application in Socirty

15.1. Education

15.2. Finance

15.3. Goverment

15.4. Health Care

15.5. Science

15.6. Publishing

15.7. Travel

15.8. Manufacturing