Urinary system

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Urinary system by Mind Map: Urinary system

1. Urethra

1.1. When control of urine is removed it is expelled here ( urinary Meatus)

2. Bladder

2.1. Where the urine is stored

3. Word parts

3.1. Albumin/o

3.1.1. Albumin

3.2. -action

3.2.1. Process

3.3. -esis

3.3.1. Action

3.4. Glycos/o

3.4.1. Sugar

3.5. Olig/o

3.5.1. Few scanty

3.6. Ur/o

3.6.1. Urine or urinary tract

3.7. Urin/o

3.7.1. Urine

3.8. -uria

3.8.1. Urine or urination

4. Urinary tract is composed of

4.1. 2 kidneys

4.1.1. Functions independently

4.2. Ureter

4.2.1. Where urine leaves the kidneys

5. Diseases

5.1. Urinalysis

5.2. Glycosuria

5.3. Proteinuria

5.4. Hematuria

5.5. Albumiburia

5.6. Pyuria

5.7. Ketonuria

5.8. Diabetes mellitus

5.9. Renal angiography

5.10. Renal arteriogram

5.11. Nephron tomography

6. Surgical and therapeutic interventions

6.1. Urethral catherization

6.2. Ureteral catherization

6.3. Suprapubic catheter

6.4. Percuntaneous nephrostomy

6.5. Hemodiaylsis

6.5.1. Kidneys fail to remove products from blood

6.6. Peritoneal dialysis

6.7. Diuretic

6.7.1. Increases flow of urine

6.8. Lithotripsy

6.9. Nephrectomy

6.10. Laparoscopic nephrectomy

6.10.1. Removal of kidneys

6.11. Immunosuppressive therapy

6.11.1. Administration of agents that interfere with immune response of the recipients

6.12. Transurethral resection

6.12.1. Small tissue is removed from a nearby structure of urethra

7. Good health

7.1. Need produce urea as final product

7.2. Intake must equal output

7.3. Kidneys are the man regulators

7.4. Urology

7.5. Urologist

8. Function first

8.1. Maintenance of an appropriate comp of blood by selecting certain chemicals to excrete

8.2. Maintaining blood ph

8.3. Excretion of waste

8.4. Regulation of blood pressure

8.5. Stimulation of erythrocytes by production of erythropoietin

9. Word parts

9.1. Cyst/o

9.1.1. Badder or cyst or sac

9.2. Glomerul/o

9.2.1. Glomerulus ( filtering structure of kidneys) surrounded by Bowman’s capsule Proximal tubule is close to the kidney Loop of Henle Distal tubule To the collecting duct Glomerular filtration The initial process of formation of urine

9.3. Nephr/o, ren/o

9.3.1. Kidneys

9.4. Pyle/o

9.4.1. Renal pelvis

9.5. Ureter/o

9.5.1. Ureter

9.6. Urethra/o

9.6.1. Urethra

10. Urine formation

10.1. Glomerular filtration

10.1.1. Initial process of formation of urine

10.1.2. Allows water salts waste and others except blood to pass theough

10.2. Tubular reabsorption

10.2.1. Bowman’s capsule collects substances such as sugar and water

10.3. Tubular secretion

10.3.1. Secretion of some substances into blood stream

10.4. ADH hormone

10.4.1. Increases the reassertion of waterm

11. Pathology conditions and diagnostic conditions

11.1. Cysteocele

11.1.1. Hernia that protrudes in vagina

11.2. Nephrosis

11.2.1. Degenerative conditions in urine but no inflammation

11.3. Nephrotoxic

11.3.1. Destructive to kidney tissue

11.4. Polyp

11.4.1. Tumor found on mucosal surface

11.5. Renal cell carcinoma

11.5.1. Kidney cancer

11.6. Renal insufficiency

11.6.1. Reduced ability for Disney to function

11.7. Retrograde urography

11.7.1. X ray examination of renal pelvis

11.8. Unitary incontinence

11.8.1. Inability to hold urine in bladder

11.9. Urinary retention

11.9.1. Inability to empty the bladder

11.10. Urinary tract infection

11.10.1. An infection of urinary tract

11.11. Voiding cystourethrogram

11.11.1. Radio graphic recorder of urethra and bladder. Taking while patient is expelling urine

12. Surgical procedures performed on urinary structures

12.1. Cystostomy

12.2. Lthostripsy

12.2.1. Lithotrite

12.2.2. Extracorporeal

12.2.3. Nephroscope

12.2.4. Nephroscopy

12.3. Nephrolithotomy

12.4. Nephropexy

12.5. Percutaneous bladder biospy

12.6. Per cutaneous renal biopsy

12.7. Pyelolithotomy

12.8. Ureteroplasty