Visual Thinking RESOURCES

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Visual Thinking RESOURCES by Mind Map: Visual Thinking RESOURCES

1. Blogs

1.1. David Armano

1.2. Jeff Bennett

1.3. Sunni Brown

1.4. Tony Buzan

1.5. Nancy Duarte

1.6. Chuck Frey

1.7. Dave Gray

1.8. Austin Kleon

1.9. Hugh McLeod

1.10. Jamie Nast

1.11. Dan Roam

1.12. Mike Rohde

1.13. David Sibbet

1.14. Edward Tufte

1.15. Nathan Yau

2. Programs & Apps

2.1. amCharts Visual Editor

2.2. Cacoo

2.3. Canva

2.4. Canvasdropr

2.5. Chartle

2.6. ChartsBin

2.7. CorelDraw

2.8. ConceptDraw

2.9. CoSketch

2.10. Creately


2.12. Dipity

2.13. Drawz It


2.15. FlockDraw

2.16. Gimp

2.17. Gliffy

2.18. Google

2.18.1. Google Chart Editor

2.18.2. Google Chart Tools

2.19. Hohli

2.20. iBrainstorm

2.21. iCharts

2.22. iDraw

2.23. Illustrator


2.25. Inkflow

2.26. Inkscape

2.27. Inspiration

2.28. LucidChart


2.30. OmniGraffle

2.31. Piktochart

2.32. Pinball

2.33. RealtimeBoard

2.34. Scan Scribe

2.35. SimpleDiagram

2.36. SmartDraw

2.37. SyncSpace

2.38. Tableu Public

2.39. TouchDraw

2.40. Venngage

2.41. Visio


2.43. Wordle

2.44. Xara X

2.45. Legend

2.45.1. Desktop

2.45.2. Web-based

2.45.3. Mobile

3. Books

3.1. Tony Buzan

3.1.1. Mind Map Book

3.1.2. Mind Maps for Kids

3.1.3. How to Mind Map

3.1.4. More books

3.2. Nancy Duarte

3.2.1. Resonate

3.2.2. Slide:ology

3.3. Dave Gray

3.3.1. Gamestorming

3.4. Chris Griffiths

3.4.1. GRASP the Solution

3.5. Donald Hoffman

3.5.1. Visual Intelligence

3.6. David Hyerle

3.6.1. Visual Tools for Transforming Information Into Knowledge

3.6.2. Student Success with Thinking Maps

3.7. Nancy Marguiles

3.7.1. Visual Thinking

3.7.2. Mapping Inner Space

3.8. Steve Moline

3.8.1. I See What You Mean

3.8.2. Information Toolkit

3.9. Jamie Nast

3.9.1. Idea Mapping

3.10. Joseph Novak

3.10.1. Learning How to Learn

3.11. Ron Ritchhart

3.11.1. Making Thinking Visible

3.12. Dan Roam

3.12.1. Back of the Napkin

3.12.2. Blah, Blah, Blah

3.13. Mike Rohde

3.13.1. The Sketchnote Handbook

3.14. David Sibbet

3.14.1. Visual Leaders

3.14.2. Visual Meetings

3.14.3. Visual Teams

3.15. Edward Tufte

3.15.1. Envisioning Information

3.15.2. Beautiful Evidence

3.15.3. More books

3.16. Johannes Wheeldon

3.16.1. Visualizing Social Science Research

3.17. Additional book recommendations

4. Resources

4.1. CollateBox

4.2. Cool Infographics

4.3. Daily Infographic

4.4. Diagrammer

4.5. Doodlers Anonymous

4.6. FlowingData

4.7. I Love Charts

4.8. IFVP

4.9. Infographic a day

4.10. Infographic of the day (Fast Company)

4.11. Information Aesthetics

4.12. Many Eyes

4.13. Periodic table of visualization methods

4.14. Visual Thesaurus

4.15. Visual Thinking (Vanderbilt U.)

4.16. Visual-Literacy

4.17. Visualizing


4.19. VizLiteracy

4.20. VizNetwork

4.21. VizThink

4.22. WikIT

4.23. Yasiv

5. Articles

5.1. 50+ web applications for data visualization

5.2. 25 online tools to create your own infographics

5.3. Visual-Spatial collection of articles

5.4. 7 things you should know about data visualization

5.5. Power of visual communication

5.6. Visual art as critical thinking

5.7. Writing problems of visual thinkers

6. Additional links

6.1. BusinessWeek Exchange

6.2. Pearltree: Visual Thinking

6.3. Pinterest: Infographics

6.4. YouTube: Visual Thinking