quantitative research vs qualitative research

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quantitative research vs qualitative research por Mind Map: quantitative research vs qualitative research

1. sample size

1.1. quantitative research

1.1.1. large

1.2. qualitative research

1.2.1. Small

2. Information per respondent

2.1. quantitative research

2.1.1. varies

2.2. qualitative research

2.2.1. much

3. administration

3.1. quantitative research

3.1.1. Fewer special skills required

3.2. qualitative research

3.2.1. Requires interviewer with special skills

4. Hardware

4.1. quantitative research

4.1.1. Questionnaires, computers, printouts

4.2. qualitative research

4.2.1. Tape recorders, projection devices, videos, pictures, discussion guides

5. types of questions

5.1. quantitative research

5.1.1. nonprobing

5.2. qualitative research

5.2.1. Probing

6. Training of the researcher

6.1. quantitative research

6.1.1. Statistics, decision models, decision support systems, computer programming, marketing, marketing research

6.2. qualitative research

6.2.1. Psychology, sociology, social psychology, consumer behavior, marketing, marketing research

7. Ability to replicate

7.1. quantitative research

7.1.1. high

7.2. qualitative research

7.2.1. Low

8. Type of analysis

8.1. quantitative research

8.1.1. Statistical, summarization

8.2. qualitative research

8.2.1. Subjective, Interpretive

9. Type of research

9.1. quantitative research

9.1.1. Descriptive or causal

9.2. qualitative research

9.2.1. Exploratory