Quantitative VS Qualitative
by Gloria Martinez Torres
1. Quantitative refers to a type of information based in quantities or else quantifiable data (objective properties)
1.1. Differences:
1.2. •To measure the incidence of various views and opinions in a chosen sample
1.3. •To quantify data and generalize results from a sample to the population of interest
2. Qualitative information which deals with apparent qualities (subjective properties).
2.1. Differences:
2.2. • To gain an understanding of underlying reasons and motivations
2.3. • To provide insights into the setting of a problem, generating ideas and/or hypotheses for later quantitative research
2.4. • To uncover prevalent trends in thought and opinion
3. Quantitative examples
3.1. surveys
3.2. temperature
3.3. statistics
4. Qualitative examples
4.1. color
4.2. arome
4.3. shape