Lab Safety Rules

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Lab Safety Rules por Mind Map: Lab Safety Rules

1. Pay attention to labels

1.1. Read labels carefully

1.2. Label all containers being used

2. Follow instructions carefully

3. Dress Properly


3.2. Tie your hair back

3.3. No dangling jewelry

3.4. Wear closed toed shoes

3.5. Wear a lab coat/apron when necessary

4. No horse playing

4.1. This is a no-no in lab!

5. Dispose waste properly

5.1. New node

5.2. New node

6. Don't taste or smell chemicals

6.1. Or else...

7. Wear safety goggles

7.1. Goals

7.1.1. Goal 1

7.1.2. Goal 2

7.2. Rules

7.2.1. Session Rule 1

7.2.2. Session Rule 2

7.3. Define Problems

7.4. Capture Ideas

7.5. Prioritize Ideas

7.6. Define Action Points

8. Report all Accidents

9. No eating or drinking in lab

10. Wash your hands after lab