The Internet & World Wide Web

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The Internet & World Wide Web por Mind Map: The Internet & World Wide Web

1. The world Wide Web

1.1. Web site

1.2. Web server

1.3. Web 2.0

1.4. Web browser

1.5. Homepage

1.6. Downloading

1.7. Tabbed browing

1.8. Muttimedia

1.9. Graphic

1.10. Animation

1.11. Audio

1.12. Streaming

1.13. Video

1.14. Virtual reality (VR)

1.15. Plug in

1.16. Web pubishing

1.17. E-commerce

1.17.1. B2C ( Business to consumer)

1.17.2. C2C ( Consumer to Consumer)

1.17.3. B2B ( Business to Bussiness )

2. Other Internet Services

2.1. E-Mail

2.2. E-mail program

2.3. Mailing list

2.3.1. Subscribing

2.3.2. Unsubscribing

2.4. Instant messaging (IM)

2.5. Chat

2.6. Chat room

2.7. VoIP (Voice over IP )

2.8. new group

2.9. Message board

2.10. FTP ( File Transfer Protocol )

2.11. Netiquette

2.12. Summary

2.12.1. Histroy Structure of internet

2.12.2. World Wide Web

2.12.3. Browsing navigating Web pubishing

2.12.4. Other Internet services

2.12.5. Rules of Netiqutte

3. The Internet

3.1. Access provideer

3.2. Evolution of the Internet

3.2.1. ISP ( Internet service provider )

3.2.2. OSP (Online service provider )

3.2.3. WISP ( Wireless Internet Service provider )

3.3. Domain name

3.4. IP address

3.5. DNS server