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Hour 2 Bivalves por Mind Map: Hour 2 Bivalves

1. Internal/External Anatomy

1.1. Shell consist of 2 similar, convex, oval elongate valves and attach and articulated together.

1.2. Teeth

1.2.1. At the hinge the teeth are anterior and posterior can be absent or present.

1.3. Shell

1.3.1. shell is covered in thick skin and vary in colors.

1.4. Systems

1.4.1. complete digestive tract, open circulatory system, reduced nervous system, excretory and reproduction organs

2. Circulation

2.1. Open Circulatory System that bathes organs in hemolymph.

2.2. The hearthas three chambers: two auricles receiving blood from the gills, and a single ventricle

2.3. ventricle muscular pumps hemolymph into the aorta, and through the rest of the body

3. Feeding/Digestion/Excretion

3.1. Feeding

3.1.1. Filter Feeders Food gets stuck in the organism's mucus

3.1.2. A few bivalves are scavengers or predators

3.2. Digestion

3.3. Excretion

3.3.1. Waste from the bladder exits the body from the mantle cavity/Pallial Cavity

3.3.2. Waste leaves the posterior end at the suprabrachial cavity.

4. Sences/Response

4.1. They have no brain

4.2. They can see light

4.3. They have simple eyes

5. Movement

5.1. Have muscles on the outside of the shell that contract and loosen to open and close the shell

5.2. They bury themselves into the sand to hide from predators

5.3. At times the muscles will even attach to rocks for protection

5.4. Some Bivalves have "feet" that they use to pull themselves across the ocean floor

6. Respiration

6.1. Intake oxygen and water throught gills or a siphon (tube like structure)

6.2. Once inside the body, the water with the oxygen are taken to the ventral inhalent chamber where the oxygen is absorbed. Once the oxygen is removed from the water, it exits from the dorsal exhalent chamber.

6.3. Have gills that are used for resperation

7. Reproduction/ Life cycle

7.1. 1. Sperm is released from males

7.2. 2. Females take it in and fertilized

7.3. 3. Eggs mature into larva

7.4. 4. The eggs are let go and attach to fish fins and gills

7.5. 5. When the time is right, they fall to the ocean floor and begin life

7.6. New node