Social Artistry - Skills & Qualities: Add your name, list your S-A skills or post a brief sentenc...

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Social Artistry - Skills & Qualities: Add your name, list your S-A skills or post a brief sentence that describes Social Artistry in your work. por Mind Map: Social Artistry - Skills & Qualities: Add your name, list your S-A skills or post a brief sentence that describes Social Artistry in your work.

1. Brent's List

1.1. Having a curious mind & deep interest in self/others

1.2. Seeing beauty with many forms

1.3. valuing design and patterns & looking for these

1.4. not knowing, being disgruntled - cold heaven

1.5. Comfort with uncertainty & vagueness

1.6. having a desire/will to strive for improvement

1.7. Recognizing & accepting your S-A qualities

1.8. Accepting complexity/chaos as a formative/emerging ground

1.9. Identifying the social complexity & taking on the challenge

1.10. being vulnerable and OK with sharing soft side like feeling on the edge and inadequate at times

2. Instructions: Click on the + Plus sign to add your name and then highlight your name and click on +plus sign to add your S-A skills/qualities. Depending on the responses we can aggregate the comments, have an online discussion to talk about these qualities or maybe you will see some other way we can further explore your ideas and perspectives.

3. Jay Cross

3.1. Relentless curiosity

3.2. Wide spectrum of interests

3.3. Optimism

3.4. Open to fresh interprestations

3.5. Verbally expressive

3.6. Fearless/reckless

3.7. Enjoy debate and discussion

3.8. Predisposed to help others

3.9. Enjoy showing others how to do things

3.10. Always sharing my thoughts & opinions

3.11. Calling is to help people learn

3.12. Like knotty/wicked probems

3.13. Enjoy collaboration

3.14. Enjoy writing & share prolifically

3.15. See life as perpetual beta: just ship it

3.16. Love mashing up disperate ideas

3.17. Design thinker

3.18. negative: short fuse

3.19. negative: intolerant of stupidity

3.20. Contrarian by nature

3.21. negative: sometimes perceived as haughty/cold

3.22. New node

4. Michele Martin

4.1. Pattern Seeker

4.2. Reflective Practitioner

5. Mario Marais

5.1. Empathy

5.2. Listening

5.3. Conceptual work - Classifying, grouping, abstracting

5.4. Curiosity - what is not being said, unlikelily connections

5.5. A sense of fairness

5.6. Sensitivity to unheard voices

6. Louis Dietvorst

6.1. Belief in the Power of Emerging Global Consciousness

6.2. Quick switching from Abstract to Concrete and Back

6.3. Playing with Visualisations to Show Contrasts, Methaphors etc.

6.4. Vision that people's "hidden" driving forces are largely "fear" related, and that fear is only an illusion

6.5. Belief that we create many of our own problems just by repeating well-known patterns

6.6. Strong advocator of Social, Human-Centric "architecture" concepts, that put people first, happiness first

6.7. Vision that we need to design the world for our children, not for ourselves, and if we do that, we create also a world that is better for ourselves

6.8. Strong believer that scarcity is just one of humanity's illusions. We should design/develop with abundance mindset

6.9. Good is good enough mindset. Nobody's perfect and that's ok

6.10. Strong belief in learning culture. Every human being needs learning experiences. In a perfect world, there is no more learning and thus no more free will.

6.11. Do not believe much in one-size-fits-all concepts, especially like Cynefin as a reference to situationally apply 'practices' as well as 'leadership styles'