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crowd by Mind Map: crowd

1. About


1.2. Proffessor in Haifa University

1.3. Title

1.3.1. flock, crowd, band, swarm, ...

1.3.2. who's wize & whose the baloon

1.4. Slides


2. Crowd?

2.1. sum bigger than the individuals

3. Starts to be interesting since the literacy rate risen

4. Leads to Cognitive surplus?

4.1. Clay Shirky's book

4.2. See his TED talk on this

5. The Wisdom of Crowds

5.1. RUN & read the founding book by Surowiecky

5.2. Many criticism

5.3. Team building game - Helium stick

5.3.1. YouTube

5.4. Warmup exercise

5.4.1. how old is the speaker

5.4.2. average of all guesses will be the most accurate

6. Wisdom of the Crowds or Stupidity of the Crowds?

6.1. Surowiecky: no one is wiser than everyone

6.1.1. Demoracy?

6.1.2. Market? Invisible hand

6.2. Wikipedia vs. Britannica

6.3. Where's the distinction?

6.3.1. between decisions for experts eg, physicians decisions for crowds eg, go to war

7. Examples of the power of Wisdom of crowds

7.1. Linux vs. Windows

8. Other examples: popular (populist) reality shows

9. GroupThink symptoms

9.1. Research shown for many years that

9.1.1. Aggregated crowds is inefficient

9.2. Many illusions such as

9.2.1. Invulnerability

9.2.2. Collective rationalization

9.2.3. Belief in inherent morality

9.2.4. & many more

9.3. Read the book by

9.3.1. Untitled

9.4. Other say there's danger in wisom of crowds

9.4.1. Jaron Lanier Digital Maoism

9.4.2. Go & read the answers to Lanier in the Edge The Reality Club Many answers by all WotC proponents "Digital Barbarism" book

10. Surowiecky's examples

10.1. Galton

10.1.1. Scientist

10.1.2. Aristocrat

10.1.3. Oax experiment Tries to show how ignorant is the crowd Observed the opposite 787 guesses Average: 1197lbs Real weight: 1198lbs

10.2. Who wants to be Millionaire

10.2.1. Phone friend help (wisest man you could recruite) 65% accuracy

10.2.2. Audience help 91% accuracy

10.3. Challenger explosion

10.3.1. Market exchange predicted who was to blame, from 4 suspect companies in 30sec the stocks of the real culprit company fell

11. Should we give the crowds to decide?

11.1. Surowiecky:

11.1.1. 4 conditions Diversity Indepeendence Distribution Smart aggregation

12. Wisdom of search examples

12.1. Web search

12.2. Discovery & rating of news

12.2.1. Started in Google News

12.2.2. Now in all newspapers Outbrain Flipboard

12.3. Prediction markets

12.3.1. use crowds to predict the future

12.4. Consumers

12.4.1. Recommendations systems

12.4.2. Schools ranking

12.5. Medicine?

13. In every domain, there's a move from expert decisions to collective decisions

13.1. Academy

13.2. Military

13.3. Even medicine

14. Wisdom of the Crowds in Twitter

14.1. Sentiment Analysis

14.1.1. proves as best & most efficient trend prediction eg Awards winners Stock market

14.2. Read on this company:

14.2.1. BlueFin automated mining of population attitudes & sentiments partner of ABCnews

15. Crowd Sourcing

15.1. see catalog in the site:

15.1.1. Crowdsourcing Landscape

15.2. Something proving itself in the industry today

16. & politics

16.1. Revolutions against dictatorships

16.2. Consumers protests

16.3. Direct democracy vs. Representative democracy

16.4. The dangers are anarchism

16.4.1. Disappearance of the control mechanisms imposed by the elites for centuries

17. From product to process

17.1. Clay Shirky

18. Recommended books:

18.1. Wikinomics

18.1.1. Levit &

18.2. Here's comes everybody

18.3. Reinventing discovery

18.3.1. Michael Nielsen

18.4. Too big to know

18.4.1. Weinberger

18.5. Crowdsourcing

18.6. We are smarter than me

18.7. The mesh

19. Criticism

19.1. Idiocy

19.1.1. Never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups

19.2. Answer:

19.2.1. see Ushahidi TED talk on this

20. Is the crowd a Balloon?

20.1. Vox Populi - Vox Dei

20.2. Surowiecky's conditions

20.3. Malone's conditions

20.3.1. Empathy

20.3.2. Equality

20.3.3. Feminicity

20.4. Rephali's conditions

20.4.1. Communication channels

20.4.2. Mutuality

20.4.3. Mediation mechanisms

21. The Carr & Benkler wager

21.1. Benkler's book "Wealth of Networks" says that the Wisdom of Crowds improves our world

21.2. Nicholas Carr had strong criticism, saying its a temporaty trend

21.3. Benkler suggested a bet

21.3.1. Benkler said that this will flourish & win

21.3.2. Carr said that this Benkler is still in the sixties

21.4. New node