Primary School Teacher

This is Rachel's PLP task 2

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Primary School Teacher por Mind Map: Primary School Teacher

1. Linking Capabilities

1.1. Basic understanding of both Literacy and Numeracy are required as it's part fo the curriculum.

1.2. Personal and Social skills are important in this job because it is essential to be able to communicate and be aware of the students, other teachers as well as the parents.

1.3. Critical and Creative Thinking would also be a signifcant capability because several creative yet effctive teaching methods would be beneficial in capturing the students' attention.

2. Personal Qualities and Skills

2.1. Being organised is a great attribute to becoming a primary school teacher, in addition to also being patient with challenging behaviour.

2.2. Communication is also a great skill to have along with great enthusiasm and confidence as all these skills are key to directing a classes.

2.3. Being able to problem solve whilst also being creative would also be beneficial to both the strudents and yourself, as these attributes are great life skills to require.

3. Educational requirements

3.1. Different universities have different specifiic prerequisite subjects but one or more of English and numeracy are usually required.

3.1.1. Deakin University's entry requirements for a Bachelor of Education(Primary) is recent secondary education, an ATAR with a minimum of 70, VCE Units 1 and 2 of general mathematics or Unit 3 and 4 of any mathematics and a study score of at least in English EAL(English as an additional language) or 25 in English other than EAL

3.1.2. The entry requirements for a Bachelor of Primaryat the University of South Australia is recent secondary education with a minimum grade of C-, completed SACE certificate and achieved an ATAR of at least 80. OR complete the International Baccalaurate Diploma with a minimum score of 24 points. OR a completed VET award from a registered training organisation at a Diploma or above

3.2. In order to become a primary school teacher, according to the University of South Australia, a Bachelor of Primary Education is an option but if you have completed a TAFE diploma an entry to the Bachelor of Primary Education (Honours) is guranteed.

3.2.1. After completing degree in a similar study area then further accomplishing a postgraduate in primary education is also a possible way becoming a primary school teacher.

4. Work Conditions

4.1. Teachers are normally work indoors in a clean comfortable environment.

4.2. The working environment of a teacher is a place where there's constant contact with people, as well as where relationships, being analytical and creative are important

5. Tasks that are performed

5.1. Teaching literacy, numercy, social science and P.E.

5.2. Developing the students' interests, abilities and coordination.

5.3. Supervising discussions and work in class

5.4. Participating in staff meetings and conferences as well as workshops

6. Abilities needed to start work in the career

6.1. Motivating the children to learn.

6.2. Utilizing the creative and communication skills to develop their thinking.

6.3. Being able to assess the effectiveness of several teaching methods.

6.4. Incorporate learning with classroom practice.

7. Working Hours

7.1. A part-time Primary School Teacher works 37.5 hours a week for 41 weeks or less per year.

7.2. Casual Primary School Teachers get paid provided that the don't work for more than 15 hours in a week or that the employment doesn't exceed 4 weeks.

7.3. Whilst a full-time teacher works 37.5 hours per week for a year.

8. Pay Rates

8.1. The hourly rate for a Primary School Teacher is $22- $70.

8.2. Therefore, if the average hourly rate is $46 and a teacher works fulll-time, a whole 37.5 hours a week for a whole school year(36 weeks); a Primary School Teacher would anuanally earn $62100.

9. Employment Opportunities

9.1. As a Primary School Teacher you are able to work in schools in South Australia under the government

9.2. But it is also possible to work at catholic use schools.

9.3. Primary School Teachers are also able to work in the metropolitan area as well as in rural parts

9.4. But Primary School Teachers are able to work all throughout Australia