Book: Value Stream Mapping, by Karen Martin and Mike Osterling

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Book: Value Stream Mapping, by Karen Martin and Mike Osterling by Mind Map: Book: Value Stream Mapping, by Karen Martin and Mike Osterling

1. Create a mindmap like this, using coupon code "MASSES" for 10% off

2. Insights

2.1. It's not a tool, but a transformation


3.1. Wherever there is a request and a deliverable, there is a value stream

3.2. Value stream mapping, the macro perspective, provides the means for leadership to define strategic improvements to the workflow, whereas process-level mapping enables the people who do the work to design tactical improvements.

3.3. If (...) you aren't in the position to influence the development of such behaviour, you may want to experiment with value stream mapping by selecting a value stream that is suffering from one or more performance problems, such as slow delivery.

4. MindMap by Cesar Abeid



5. Interview with Author

5.1. Interview with Karen Martin on the Project Management for the Masses Podcast

6. Buy it on Amazon

7. Actions to take

8. Further reading

8.1. "The Fifth Discipline" by Peter Senge