School Library Lounge

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School Library Lounge por Mind Map: School Library Lounge

1. Materials

1.1. Fiction

1.2. Non-Fiction

1.3. Easy

1.4. Biography

1.5. E-books

1.5.1. MyOn

2. Book Recommendations

2.1. Book Blog

2.1.1. New node

3. Digital Catalog

3.1. Cybercat

3.1.1. Keyword Search

3.1.2. ILL Request

4. Resources

4.1. School Databases

4.1.1. Virtual Library

4.2. References

4.2.1. Online

4.2.2. Print

5. Reading Incentive Programs

5.1. Battle of the Books

5.1.1. Book List

5.2. Sunshine State Young Reader's Award

5.2.1. Book List

5.3. Fairy Tale Bowl

5.3.1. Book List

6. Digital Storytelling

6.1. Book Trailers

6.2. Guidelines

6.3. Examples