Harry Potter - favourite book
by Petr Pfeifer

1. Location
1.1. Hogwarts
1.2. Ministry of Magic
1.3. Privet Drive
2. School Houses
2.1. Ravenclaw
2.2. Hufflepuf
2.3. Griffindor
2.4. Slytherin
3. Joanne Kathleen Rowling
3.1. Difficult life
3.2. Lived in spain
3.3. Considered suicide multiple times
3.4. Her first print of the book was rejected 9x times - finally released by Bloomsbury
4. Philosopher's stone / Socreres stone
5. Defense against dark arts professors exchange
6. Characters
6.1. Harry Potter
6.2. Ron Wesley
6.3. Hermione Granger
6.4. Lord Voldemort
6.5. Albus Dumbledore
7. Plot
7.1. Death of Harry's parents
7.2. Living at Private Drive
7.3. Living on the Island and Birthday
7.4. Escape and diagon alley
7.5. House sorting
7.6. Lessons
7.7. Troll
7.8. Fighting fluffy
7.9. 3 quest from schools
7.9.1. potions test
7.9.2. chess board
7.9.3. broom test
7.9.4. devil's snare