The Middle Ages

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The Middle Ages by Mind Map: The Middle Ages

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5. The Black Death

5.1. It was a deadly epidemic

5.2. Often called the Great Plague

5.3. Killed one-third of the people in Europe

6. Religion and Spiritual Beliefs

6.1. Believed in magic, spirits and witches

6.2. Celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th

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6.3. Christians

6.4. Priests acted as a spiritual connection between the people and God

7. Important People

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7.2. Marco Polo

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7.3. Charlemagne

7.3.1. The king of the Franks

7.3.2. he helped spread Christianity

7.3.3. Was crowned the Emperor Of The Romans by the pope -

7.4. Dante

8. Daily Life

8.1. It depended on their wealth and power

8.2. Serfs and peasants who were women were expected to cook meals and help their husband with the chores

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8.4. Knights spent their time assisting the king whenever it was needed. They also spent a lot of time trying maintain his strength and skills in fighting

8.5. Lords and nobles usually spent their time in their castle and helping the king when needed

8.6. Serfs and peasants laboured the lords land two to three times a week

9. The Crusades

9.1. series of wars

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18. Government / Society Roles

18.1. Feudalism

18.2. King

18.2.1. Military Leaders

18.2.2. They give orders and keep the county peaceful

18.2.3. Own land and lead his country and people in times of war

18.3. Nobles and Lords

18.3.1. Give land to knights and lesser nobles

18.3.2. They assist the king by providing supplies and military service

18.3.3. They can overthrow the king

18.4. Knights

18.4.1. When a squire turns seventeen, he could become a knight. Knights were suppose to go to war when their king wanted them to. They also served under nobles and lords. -

18.4.2. -

18.5. Squires

18.5.1. When a page turns fourteen, he becomes a squire and becomes a trainee of a knight. The squire and knight travel to tournaments. The squire would carry the knights shield, gave him water and helped him dress up for events. -

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18.7. Pages

18.7.1. In The Middle Ages, boys who turn eleven would be sent away to train as a page. Pages serve at a castle and learn how dance, sing and how to respect a lady. They were also told stories of heroic acts by some of the great knights. Pages also polished armour and cleaned chain mail.

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18.10. Serfs

18.10.1. Were not free

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18.10.3. They were suppose to work as farmers and pay rent to the lord -

18.10.4. If they escape from their village and remained free for a year and one day, he will be considered a “freeman”

19. Castles, Towns and Guilds

19.1. Mostly wealthy, important and powerful people were obligated to the castles

19.2. Castles were built to be difficult to attack but easy to defend

19.3. In 9th to 10th century, castles were mostly built out of wood and earth. They were also built on higher grounds

19.4. houses were made of wooden frame

20. The Mongols

20.1. under the rule of Genghis Khan

20.2. lasted for 162 years

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20.5. lead the largest empire in the world!

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