by Gia Lộc
1. Hyponymy: a relationship between two words in which the meaning of one of the words includes the meaning of the other word. (eg. color: white, black, blue, green, etc.): MỐI QUAN HỆ THƯỢNG HẠ VỊ
2. Polysemy is a sense relation in which a word or a lexical item, has acquired more than one meaning. Polysemy is the diversity of meaning, the case of where a word has very closely related meanings. TỪ NHIỀU NGHĨA
2.1. e.g. the term “flight” can mean all of the following:
2.1.1. 1. the action of flying
2.1.2. 2. an air journey
2.1.3. 3. a number of stairs/ steps leading up or down
2.1.4. 4. the action of running away
2.1.5. 5. a unit of the air force
3. Homophony is a relation in which various words have the same sound but have different meanings and written forms: ĐỒNG CÁCH PHÁT ÂM
3.1. Ex1: hour → a twenty-fourth part of a day & night
3.2. our → belonging to us
3.3. Ex2: flour → a powder used for making bread, cakes
3.4. flower → a beautiful part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
3.5. they’re / their by / buy meat / meet sunday / sundae to / too / two very / vary draught / draft some / sum
4. Homography is the relation in which various words have the same written form but have different meanings and sound forms.
4.1. e.g.
4.2. lead /li:d/ → Does this road lead to town?
5. Ambiguity is a word, or a phrase, or a sentence which has more than one meaning is said to be ambiguous.
5.1. It is not clear in its meaning.
5.2. There are two types of ambiguity:
5.2.1. - structural ambiguity
5.2.2. - lexical ambiguity