Learning How to Learn - Complete Tree

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Learning How to Learn - Complete Tree por Mind Map: Learning How to Learn - Complete Tree

1. Resting

1.1. Sleeping

1.2. Power napping

1.3. Physical exercising

2. Preparation

2.1. Reflection

2.1.1. Who is your average of the five people you spend the most time with?

2.1.2. Who is learning alongside you?

2.1.3. What is your morning and evening routine like?

2.1.4. How much research did you do beforehand?

2.1.5. How much did you spend learning your new skills?

2.1.6. What is your ultimate end goal?

2.1.7. How do you measure your progress?

2.1.8. When do you practice?

2.1.9. Where do you practice?

2.1.10. Who or what keeps you accountable?

2.2. Metalearning

2.2.1. Why

2.2.2. What

2.2.3. How

2.2.4. When

2.2.5. Where

3. The brain

3.1. Subconscious

3.1.1. Focused Mode

3.1.2. Diffused Mode

3.2. Chunking

3.2.1. Forming chunks

3.3. Memory

3.3.1. Long-term

3.3.2. Short-term

3.3.3. Inverted pyramid of learning

3.3.4. Memory palace

4. Learning Steps

4.1. Just do it

4.2. Shatter your limiting beliefs

4.3. Learn to learn

4.4. Choose the right skills to learn

4.5. Plan your learning process

4.6. Be smart in your practice

4.7. Measure your progress

4.8. Collect honest and constructive feedback

5. Pitfalls

5.1. Illusion of competence

5.2. Overlearning

5.3. Einstelung

6. Sub-skills

6.1. Interleaving

6.2. Retrieving

6.3. Recollecting

6.4. Spaced repetition

6.5. Note taking

6.6. Mind mapping

6.7. Making skill trees

6.8. Progress logging

6.9. Visual metaphors

6.10. Self-testing

7. Created by Forest Co