Batman.js talk, Zohar Arad

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Batman.js talk, Zohar Arad af Mind Map: Batman.js talk, Zohar Arad

1. About

1.1. @zohararad


2. Batman.js

2.1. By

2.1.1. Shopify

2.2. Real MVC

2.3. Opinionated

2.4. Written in CoffeeScript

2.5. Requires back-end

2.5.1. Node or Ruby

2.5.2. Can be for build-time only

3. Models

3.1. Persistence

3.1.1. out of the box: local remote

3.2. Observable attributes

3.3. Validation

3.3.1. existence &c

3.4. Computed attributes

3.5. "Behave just as you'd expect"

3.5.1. as Rails developer

3.6. Remote storage is Resource Aware

3.6.1. as in Rails guess the URL patterns

4. Controllers

4.1. follows the pattern of scaffolding in Rails

4.1.1. resources encapsulates model view controller routes

4.2. Prepare data for views

4.3. Handle views events

4.4. Respond to route calls

4.5. Not

4.5.1. responsible to server interaction

5. Routes

5.1. RESTful

5.2. define resources like in Rails

5.2.1. but not in HTTP vers resolution

5.3. url fragments support

5.3.1. pushState planned


6.1. unlike Ember, Backbone views use plain Html

6.2. binding via HTML5 data-bind attributes

6.2.1. Templates are readble HTML with logic in attributes

6.2.2. binding to data & routes

6.2.3. Samples contain also JS views

6.3. No partials

6.4. Object path resolution

7. Application

7.1. global namespace for operation

7.2. defines

7.2.1. routes

7.2.2. resources

7.2.3. loadable modules Untitled

7.2.4. singleton

8. Pros

8.1. forcess proper code architecture

8.1.1. code separation & dir structure

8.1.2. like in Rails

8.2. coffeescript

8.3. no external dependencies

8.3.1. bye bye jquery

8.4. views are plain html

8.5. built-in local & remote persistence

8.6. backed by Shopify

9. Cons

9.1. node.js version dependency

9.1.1. >=0.4

9.2. documentation