Environment Pollution

Environment Pollution_MdTaiyab_Mustafiz

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Environment Pollution by Mind Map: Environment Pollution

1. Sound Pollution

1.1. Industrial Sources

1.1.1. Industries and big machines

1.2. Non-Industrial Sources

1.2.1. Transport / Vehicles

2. Land Pollution

2.1. Toxic fertilizers and Pesticides

2.2. Deforestation and Soil Erosion

2.3. Solid waste after Sewage Treatment.

2.4. Overcrowded Landfills

2.5. Nuclear Waste

2.6. Industrial waste

3. Radioactive Pollution

3.1. Medical Waste

3.2. Decommissioning and production of Nuclear Weapons

3.3. Coal Ash

3.4. Mining of Radioactive Ore

4. Air Pollution

4.1. Fossil Fuels

4.1.1. Burning Fuels releases gases and Chemicals Smog And Soot

4.2. Carbon dioxide and Methane

4.2.1. By raises the earth's temperature.

4.3. Hazardous Air Pollutants

4.4. Greenhouse gases

4.5. Pollen and Mold

5. Water Pollution

5.1. Organic Pollution

5.1.1. Detergents

5.1.2. Disinfection by-products found in chemically disinfected water, such as Chloroform.

5.1.3. Food Processing Waste

5.1.4. Petroleum hydrocarbons

5.1.5. Insecticides and Herbicides

5.1.6. Chemical compounds found in Personal hygiene, Pharmaceutical drugs, Cosmetic products etc.

5.2. Inorganic Pollution

5.2.1. Chemical waste as industrial by-products

5.2.2. Fertilizers from agriculture as well as from commercial

5.2.3. Heavy metals from motor vehicles and acid mine drainage.

5.3. Thermal Pollution

5.3.1. Coolant agent

6. Marine Pollution

6.1. Urban Sewerage

6.2. Oil spills and illegal Wastes

6.3. Atmospheric Windblown dust and Debris

6.4. Raising Ocean temperatures

6.5. Deep sea mining