by Víctor Ortiga

1. The People
1.1. LEP
1.1.1. Foaly
1.1.2. Commander Root Captain Cudgeon
1.1.3. Holy Short
1.1.4. Captain Kelp Corporal Kelp
1.2. Mulch
1.3. the Troll
2. The Mud People
2.1. Butler
2.1.1. Juliet
2.2. Artemis Fowl
2.2.1. Angeline Fowl
3. Places
3.1. Ho Chi Minh City
3.1.1. Nguyen Xian
3.1.2. the Sprite
3.2. Haven City
3.3. Martina Franca
3.4. Fowl Manor
4. Events
4.1. The Book
4.2. Troll attack
4.3. Kidnape
4.4. Time stop
4.4.1. Retrieval Squad
4.4.2. Negotiations
4.4.3. attemt to rob the Book
4.4.4. Troll release
4.4.5. Blue rinse