Healthy Lifestyle

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Healthy Lifestyle by Mind Map: Healthy Lifestyle

1. Sleep

1.1. 33% of our life

1.2. Sleeping Disorders

1.2.1. Insomnia tips No Smoking Use Comfy Matress

1.3. stress

2. Eating Habits

2.1. Eat healthy

2.1.1. Vitamins

2.1.2. Vegetables

2.1.3. Fruits

2.2. Drink Plenty of Water

2.3. Avoid Junk Food

2.4. Keep Regular and Moderate Diet

3. Ask For Help

3.1. School Nurse

3.2. Doctor

4. Stress

4.1. Solutions

4.2. Effects

4.3. Causes

5. Exercise

5.1. Warm Up Regularly

5.2. Join the Gym

5.2.1. No pain no gain

5.3. Stretch your Muscle